Abandoned Percentage
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    Abandoned Percentage

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    Article summary

    Abandoned Percentage displays the percentage of abandoned calls for the selected filter criteria. Go to the Report List > Abandon Percentage to view report parameters.

    To view reports:

    1. Select the Time Period from Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month and Custom. If you select Custom, select the Start Date and End Date.

    2. Select the Channel type from Voice, SMS or Email.

    3. Select the Outcome Types and Outcomes from the dropdown list.

    4. Select the Filter Criteria. For more information, see Report Filter Criteria.

    5. Click Show Records to populate the report.

    6. Click Export to export the contents of the report into an Excel (xlsx) or CSV file. By default, the report is exported as XLSX.


    Report displays the following parameters:




    Campaign ID for which the report is rendered.


    Report date.


    Total calls dialed for contacts in this upload list.


    Number of live calls - those that are answered by an individual and connected to an Agent.


    Number of calls that reached an answering machine.


    Number of abandoned calls.

    Abandon Percentage

    Percentage of calls abandoned.

    Abandon Calls / (Abandon Calls + Live Calls)) * 100 where live calls are calls answered by an individual and connected to an agent.

    Click Info to view the Formula of Abandoned Percentage. It displays the following information:

    • EstimateCallsAbandonedtoAnswerMachines = abandoned_call – NumberAbandonedtoFormer

    • NumberAbandonedtoFormer = (abandoned_call * AbandonCallsToAnsweringMachine) / 100

    • AbandonCallsToAnsweringMachine = (Total_AnsweringMachine_Calls * 100) / (Live_Calls + Total_AnsweringMachine_Calls)

    • If Total_AnsweringMachine_Calls =0 and Live_Calls =0, then AbandonCallsToAnsweringMachine=0

    • If IsACREnabled= false: AbandonCallsToAnsweringMachine = 0

    • Case: if abandoned_call =0: value=0 and percentage=0

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