Acqueon Workspace Layout Configuration
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    Acqueon Workspace Layout Configuration

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    Article summary

    To configure an Acqueon Workspace layout, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to the Acqueon Workspace admin application.

    2. Click Admin expanding and then click Configurator.

      The Layouts page is displayed.

    3. Create a layout to add the Finesse Core component. To learn more about creating a layout, refer to the Acqueon Workspace Configurator Guide.

    4. Add any required widgets to the layout you created using the Gadgets option that is displayed on expanding     next to Layouts. To learn more about adding widgets to the layout, refer to the Acqueon Workspace Configurator Guide.

    5. After creating a layout and configuring widgets, click the layout and then click Settings on the top right side of the page. The Layout Settings dialog box is displayed.

    6. Select the Finesse Core and AE Core checkboxes under Core URLs.

    7. After selecting the Finesse Core URL checkbox, the XML file URL is automatically generated and displayed in the View XML field.

    8. Copy and save this URL in a text editor to use it while configuring Workspace as a gadget in Finesse.

    9. Click Save. Now the application creates/updates an XML file in the mentioned Finesse Handler path.

    This XML file URL is used to configure Acqueon Workspace as a gadget inside Cisco Finesse. To do so, follow the steps mentioned in Configuring Acqueon Workspace in Cisco Finesse.

    The following screen is a sample of the generated XML file. The file contains settings related to Workspace and Campaigns, as well as configurations for Finesse paths, such as the Finesse SDK and Handler files.


    • When a new Acqueon Workspace Layout is created and a new XML file is configured in Finesse, a restart of the Finesse Server is required.

    • When an existing Acqueon Workspace Layout is modified, a restart of the Finesse Server is not required.

    • When the XML file is modified, a restart of the Finesse Server is required.

    To learn about the Finesse admin-related requirements, refer to Acqueon Workspace Configuration in Cisco Finesse.

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