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Add Voice Campaign Group
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Complete the following configurations on the Cisco UCCEdialer before creating a voice campaign group on Campaign Manager. For more information, refer to ucce_b_ucce_b_outbound-option-guide-for-unified_1261_chapter_0101.html.
Add Call Type
Add Dial Number
Add Skill Group
Add Routing Script
Create a Call Type Manager
Creating a Voice Campaign Group
To add a voice campaign group:
Click + and select the Add New Voice Campaign Group.
Go to the Voice Campaign tab.
Enter a Campaign Group Name and a Description.
Select a Dialing Mode from the following:
Inbound: If all the campaigns under this group are Inbound Voice Campaigns.
Predictive Only: Predictive Campaigns are outbound campaigns where the dialer determines the number of customers to dial per agent based on the number of lines available per agent and the configured maximum abandon rate.
- Preview Only: Preview dialing reserves an agent before initiating an outbound call and presents the agent with a popup window. The agent can then Accept, Skip, or Reject the call.
- Progressive Only: Progressive dialing is similar to Predictive dialing. The only difference is that while dialing in the Progressive method, the Outbound option does not calculate the number of lines to dial per agent but allows users to configure a fixed number of lines that will always be dialed per available agent.
- Preview Direct Only: The Preview Direct method is almost similar to the Preview method except that the dialer automatically places the call from the agent's phone after the agent accepts.
Select a Time Zone from the dropdown list.
Select a campaign type from the Agent Based Campaign and Transfer to IVR.
If you select Transfer to IVR, enable the Throttling. When an IVR campaign is provisioned to transfer the calls to an inbound skill to utilize the inbound agents for an outbound IVR campaign that does not have dedicated agents, the calls would be queued because agents also take the inbound calls. Throttling controls contact delivery to maintain the service-level agreement (SLA) like control queue time or reduce abandoned calls.
Select a Skill Group from the dropdown list.
Set a number for Overflow Agents Per Skill using either the slider or the number panel. This setting ensures that there is at least one extra agent available before dialing. For example, setting this to 1 means that the dialer ensures there are at least two reserved agents before commencing dialing.
Select the total Number of IVR Ports allocated for the specific skill group, using either the slider or the number panel. This value indicates how many ports are available for the dialer to transfer customer calls.
Set a number for Records to Cache using the slider or the number panel. The minimum number of dialing numbers that each dialer caches for each Outbound option skill group. The default is 1. This value cannot exceed 400 records. This is the minimum number of contacts (dialing numbers) that the dialer has to store in the cache.
Enter a Dialed Number. This is the number that is dialed to reserve an agent on a configured skill group.
Enter an IVR Route Point. This points to where a call is transferred to play a pre-recorded message.
Enter an Abandoned Route Point.
Click Save.
Advanced Options
Go to the Advanced Options tab.
Set the Lines per Agent. The number of lines dedicated to each agent in this campaign. If this value and the maximum lines per agent value are both set to 1, the mode defaults to Progressive. The default value is 1.5 which is 3 lines for 2 agents. In the Outbound option dialing modes:
Preview Mode: Ignored, value is always 1.
Progressive Mode: Used as defined.
Predictive Mode: Used as an initial value.
In the Dialing Mode, set the value of Maximum Lines Per Agent. The upper limit for the number of customers the dialer dials for a reserved agent at a time when the campaign is running in Predictive Mode.
Enable the Abandon Call Limit (0-100%) checkbox to set a limit for the percentage of abandoned calls for this campaign. If not selected, the campaign dials without taking into account abandon limit.
Note:A call is considered abandoned if a person answers the call and the contact center does not connect the call to an agent within two seconds of the person's completed greeting.Set the value of Voice calls per adjustment. A count of the number of live voice connections that must occur before the dialer makes an adjustment. Increasing this number results in less frequent adjustments based on a larger sample size. Decreasing this number results in more frequent adjustments using a smaller sample size. The default value is 70.
Set the value of Gain. The size of the adjustment to lines per agent each time an adjustment is made. Increasing the Gain results in larger lines per agent adjustments; decreasing the Gain results in smaller lines per agent adjustments. The default value is 1.
In the Dial Setting, set the following:
Set the value of No Answering Limit. It defines the number of times the software allows a dialed telephone number to ring. Enter the maximum number of rings allowed. The default value is 4.
Set the value of Abandoned Call Wait Time. The minimum duration (in seconds) of an outbound call. If the duration of an outbound call is less than this specified value, Outbound Option considers the call as customer abandoned, and the customer record that is associated with that call is scheduled for a retry. To disable this feature, set this value to 0. Enter the number of seconds. The default value is 1. If this feature is disabled, then the Outbound Option does not consider this call as customer abandoned. It affects the reporting of this call in the Outbound Option dialer_detail table.
Enter a value for Campaign Prefix Digits. Digits are prefixed to each customer number dialed from this campaign. For the SIP Dialer, this field represents the phone number that is advertised as the calling number for the campaign. Enter a maximum of 15 digits in this field.
Select the Reschedule Callback Mode from the dropdown.
Click Save.
Campaign Purpose
Go to the Campaign Purpose tab.
Enable the Call Progress Analysis to specify the Record CPA parameter. The Gateway provides a media stream and the dialer records .wav files. This parameter improves Call Progress Analysis performance. If you disable the Call Progress Analysis, all Call Progress Analysis for calls made from this dialer is disabled on a campaign-by-campaign basis, including voice detection, fax/modem detection, and answering machine detection.
Switch the Enable IP AMD to On. It allows the answering machine to detect the IP dialers in the system. If this option is enabled and when the dialer detects an answering machine, it does one of the following actions:
Abandon Call: This is the default option if the Enable IP AMD switch is turned ON. It drops the call, marks it as an answering machine, and schedules a retry.
Transfer to Agent: Transfers the call to an agent.
Transfer to IVR Route Point: Transfers the call to play a prerecorded message. The IVR route point is configured in the Skill Group Selection dialog box in the Campaign Skill Group Selection tab.
Note:Once transferred to an agent or to a VRU is configured, there is no way to set the AMD records as Retry. Use a customized query to identify such calls and create a new campaign.
Set the value of the Reservation Percentage. The percentage of agents to reserve within the skill groups associated with the campaign. The Range is from 0 to 100. Default is 100.
Set the value of Transfer to IVR Campaign. This type of campaign uses an outbound mode that causes the dialer to transfer every customer call that is associated with a specific skill group to a service control-based VRU instead of an agent. This feature allows a contact center to run unassisted outbound campaigns using prerecorded messages in the VRU.
In the Call Progress Analysis (CPA) Parameters:
Set the Minimum Silence Period (100-1000). It is required to classify a call as voice-detected. If many answering machine calls are being passed through to agents as voice, then increasing this value accounts for longer pauses in answering machine greetings. The default is 608.
Set the Analysis Period (1000-10000). It defines the number of milliseconds spent analyzing this call. If a short agent greeting on an answering machine, then a longer value here categorizes that answering machine call as voice. If the call is to a business where the operator has a longer scripted greeting, a shorter value here categorizes the long, live greeting as an answering machine. Default is 2500.
Set the Minimum Valid Speech (50-500). The minimum number of milliseconds of voice required to qualify a call as voice detected. The default is 112.
Set the Maximum Analysis Time (1000-10000). The maximum number of milliseconds allowed for analysis before identifying a problem analysis as dead air or low volume. The default is 3000.
Set the Maximum Termination Tone Analysis (1000-60000). The maximum number of milliseconds, the dialer analyzes an answering machine voice message looking for a termination tone. If the message has an odd tone and the analysis does not recognize it, the call is not transferred or dropped until this timeout occurs. The default is 30000.
Select a callable time range for delivered contacts in the Time field. This field is available in the UI only if it is enabled in the database table.
Click Save.
Contact Parameter - TimeZone
Go to the Contact Parameter > TimeZone.
Use a slide bar to set the Initial Number of Contacts. This defines the number of contacts that are sent to the dialer initially.
Use the slide bar to set the Increment By percentage to increase the contact delivery to the dialer.
Use the slide bar to set the Decrement By percentage to decrease the contact delivery to the dialer.
Set the Upper Threshold limit as a multiple of Initial Number of Contacts that can be delivered to the dialer.
Set the Iteration Interval. This is the wait time between iterations in seconds.
Enable the Auto Balancing checkbox to automatically distribute the contacts from the uploaded file equally to all campaigns mapped to the group.
Go to the Time Zone section. All the time zones selected in the application in Time Zones are displayed. Select the checkboxes for the Time zone and the callable window time for each time zone (optional configuration) which overrides the global Time zone selection).
Go to Agent Mapping and enable the outcomes for a campaign group. You can enable multiple outcomes.
Click Save.