- DarkLight
Agent Activity
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | AgentID | AgentID | nvarchar (50) (null) | The name of the agent is logged into the database with every state change. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | AgentState | Agent State | nvarchar (100) (null) | The agent state, such as Ready or Not Ready, and so on, represents the various states that can occur. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | ACTIVITYDATE | ACTIVITYDATE | varchar (30) (null) | It displays the date and time of the activity. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | InsertedTime | Inserted Time | datetime (null) | It displays the date and time when state of the agent change is inserted into the database. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | LCMKey | LCMKey | nvarchar (60) (null) | It consists of ContactID, ModeID, CampaignKey, ContactRetries, ModeRetries, TimeZoneID, and TenantID separated by a delimiter. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | BlendingState | Blending State | varchar (10) (null) | The blending state of the agent is whether it is Inbound or Outbound. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | STARTTIME | STARTTIME | datetime (null) | It displays the starting date and time of the activity. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | ENDTIME | ENDTIME | datetime (null) | It displays the completion date and time of the activity. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | DURATIONINSECONDS | DURATIONINSECONDS | int (null) | It displays the duration of the activity. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | ISINCALL | ISINCALL | int (not null) | It indicates whether the activity is currently in a call. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | TENANTID | TENANTID | bigint (null) | It is the Tenant ID. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEAgentActivity | SUBTENANTID | SUBTENANTID | bigint (null) | It is the Sub Tenant ID. | Amazon Connect |