Agent Desktop Requirements
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    Agent Desktop Requirements

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    Article summary

    The specifications detailed in the table below are required to log in to the Agent Desktop.




    Single Intel i3 Core, 2 GHz or higher



    Operating System

    Windows 7 or higher


    Chrome, version 72.0 or higher

    Edge, version 40.0 or higher

    Mozilla Firefox, version 66.0 or higher

    Internet Explorer, version 11.0 or higher


    Agents have widgets loaded to their desktop when they login and receive calls. These widgets provide wide-ranging information about the contact, Campaign, Outcomes, etc. Agents also have to set outcomes, change lead scores (if necessary), set Callback requests, and any other tasks required of them. For these widgets to load on the Agent Desktop, the Administrator has to perform certain tasks. Follow the steps below to accomplish this.

    Event Callback URL Configuration

    1. Log in to Twilio Flex using credentials.

    2. Go to Engagement Cloud > Task Router. The Task Router page opens.

    3. Click the respective workspace in the TaskRouter Dashboard.

    4. Click Settings from the Task Router.

    5. Enter the Adaptor URL in Event Callback URL and click Save.


    You must create the required Twilio Flex Workspace Entities such as Workers, Task Queues, and Work Flows, on the Twilio Flex application.

    Settings For Consult Button


    These settings are applicable only if your dialer is Twilio Flex 2.0.2.

    The Consult (referred to as Warm Transfer) button is not enabled by default if you are using the Twilio Flex 2.0.2 version. For this button to be enabled, helping agents with the Consult functionality, perform the following steps:

    1. Log in to the Twilio Flex admin module and go to the Features.

    2. In the Feature Settings screen, go to Beta.

    3. Enable the Warm Transfers option.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence