- DarkLight
Agent State Report
- DarkLight
The Agent State Report provides detailed information about the activity state of the agents. It presents data according to the selected filter, helping in the comprehension of the time agents allocate to various states, including being on a call, awaiting a call, taking a break, or engaged in after-call work.
Create Report
To create report:
Click the + Create Historical Report icon.
Select Agent State report and click Create.
Select the appropriate Timezone from the dropdown list to generate the report for a specific timezone. The default timezone is set in the browser.
Select the Period from the dropdown list to view the report for a specific period. The default value is set to Today.
This Week
Last Week
This Month
Last Month
Last N Days - If you select this option, enter the number of days for the report to view.
Custom Date Range - If you select this option, enter the date range period to view report for a defined period.
The maximum period allowed is 90 days to maintain optimal performance and efficiency.
Apply Filter
Go to the Filter section. You can select single or multiple fields in a filter.
On the Agent tab, select the appropriate agent to filter the data.
On the Agent State tab, select the appropriate outcome to filter the data.
On the Condition tab, enter the relevant condition to filter the data.
Go to the Elements section.
On the Agent State Details tab, select the relevant fields to generate the report. For more information about the fields, refer to Agent State Details.
Save and View Reports
Click View to display the report.
Click Export to export the records to an Excel file.
Click Save. You can also save the report from the filter page.
Enter the Name and Description of the report.
Click Save.