- DarkLight
Agent Status Detail
- DarkLight
This Widget shows current activity and other details of a logged-in Agent. For example, if the agent is speaking with a customer, the customer number and contact information are shown for this agent.
"Sender": "ATIRealTimeService",
"Receiver": "PerformanceMetrics_ACQ_1654268360}",
"MessageType": "AgentStatusDetailReport",
"Data": "[{\"AgentName\":\"Agent2\",\"AgentState\":\"Horsligne\",\"DurationInCurrentState\":\"00:02:20\",\"IsTethered\":\"-\",\"TetheredState\":\"Horsligne\",\"DurationInTethered\":\"0\",\"BlendingState\":\"\",\"TotalCallsHandled\":0,\"AverageHandledTime\":\"\",\"AverageTalkTime\":\"\",\"AverageACWTime\":\"\",\"AgentRoutingProfile\":\"Basic Routing Profile\",\"ConnectedQueue\":\"\",\"LoggedInTime\":\"Tue, Jan 25, 2022 07:34:19\",\"LoggedOutTime\":\"0\",\"TotalLoggedInDuration\":\"00:02:26\",\"Campaign\":\"\",\"LCMKey\":\"\",\"ContactNumber\":\"\"},{\"AgentName\":\"RPQ4_Agent2\",\"AgentState\":\"Available\",\"DurationInCurrentState\":\"01:46:49\",\"IsTethered\":\"-\",\"TetheredState\":\"Horsligne\",\"DurationInTethered\":\"0\",\"BlendingState\":\"Outbound\",\"TotalCallsHandled\":0,\"AverageHandledTime\":\"\",\"AverageTalkTime\":\"\",\"AverageACWTime\":\"\",\"AgentRoutingProfile\":\"RPQ4\",\"ConnectedQueue\":\"\",\"LoggedInTime\":\"Mon, Jan 10, 2022 13:34:50\",\"LoggedOutTime\":\"0\",\"TotalLoggedInDuration\":\"0\",\"Campaign\":\"\",\"LCMKey\":\"\",\"ContactNumber\":\"\"}]",
"Time": "01/25/2022 07:36:45.672"
Request Fields
Field | Description |
Sender | The client sending the packet. |
Receiver | The receiver of the packet. |
Message Type | The message type is AgentStatusDetailReport. |
"AgentName": "Agent2",
"AgentState": "Horsligne",
"DurationInCurrentState": "00:02:20",
"IsTethered": "-",
"TetheredState": "Horsligne",
"DurationInTethered": "0",
"BlendingState": "",
"TotalCallsHandled": 0,
"AverageHandledTime": "",
"AverageTalkTime": "",
"AverageACWTime": "",
"AgentRoutingProfile": "Basic Routing Profile",
"ConnectedQueue": "",
"LoggedInTime": "Tue, Jan 25, 2022 07:34:19",
"LoggedOutTime": "0",
"TotalLoggedInDuration": "00:02:26",
"Campaign": "",
"LCMKey": "",
"ContactNumber": ""
"AgentName": "RPQ4_Agent2",
"AgentState": "Available",
"DurationInCurrentState": "01:46:49",
"IsTethered": "-",
"TetheredState": "Horsligne",
"DurationInTethered": "0",
"BlendingState": "Outbound",
"TotalCallsHandled": 0,
"AverageHandledTime": "",
"AverageTalkTime": "",
"AverageACWTime": "",
"AgentRoutingProfile": "RPQ4",
"ConnectedQueue": "",
"LoggedInTime": "Mon, Jan 10, 2022 13:34:50",
"LoggedOutTime": "0",
"TotalLoggedInDuration": "0",
"Campaign": "",
"LCMKey": "",
"ContactNumber": ""
Response Fields
Field | Description |
Agent Name | The logged-in agent name. |
Agent State | The current agent state. For example, Ready, In Call, etc. |
DurationInCurrentState | The duration that the agent is in the current state (from the last state change to the next state change). |
IsTethered | This indicates if the agent is a tethered agent - this is a Boolean value. |
TetheredState | The agent’s current tethered state. |
DurationInTethered | The duration the agent is in the current tethered call. |
BlendingState | The blending state of the agent - whether Inbound or Outbound. |
TotalCallsHandled | The total calls handled by the agent for the current day. |
AverageHandledTime | The average call Handle Time for the agent - this includes Talk Time, hold time, and after-call work (ACW) time. |
AverageTalkTime | The Average Talk Time per call for the current day. |
AverageACWTime | The Average ACW Time per call for the current day. |
AgentRoutingProfile | The Routing profile that the agent is mapped to. |
ConnectedQueue | The Queue that the current call originated from. |
LoggedInTime | The time the agent logged in to the application. |
LoggedOutTime | The time the agent Logged Out of the application. |
TotalLoggedInDuration | The total duration that the agent stayed logged in. |
Campaign | The campaign from which the contact was delivered. |
LCMKey | The LCMKey for this contact. This contains ContactID, ModeID, CampaignKey, ContactRetries, ModeRetries, TimeZoneID, and TenantID, all separated by a delimiter. |
ContactNumber | The customer number for this call. |