Agent Status Detail
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    Agent Status Detail

    • Dark

    Article summary

    This table shows details of a logged-in Agent and the current activity of the agent. For example, if the agent is speaking with a customer, the customer number and contact information are shown for this agent.



    Agent Detail

    Agent Name

    The logged-in agent name.

    Routing Profile

    The Routing Profile into which the agent has logged in.

    Agent State

    Agent State

    The current state of logged-in agent.

    Is Tethered?

    This column shows Yes if the agent is on a tethered Connection. Column shows No if the agent is not on a tethered connection.

    Blending State

    The current Blending state if a Blended Agent.

    Real Time Details

    Call from Queue

    The queue from which the agent is handling the call.

    Call from Campaign

    The campaign from which the contact was delivered to the dialer.


    The LCMKey for this call.

    Contact Number

    The customer number for this call.

    Duration in Current State

    The duration that the agent is in the current state.

    Duration in Current Tethered

    The duration that the agent is in the current tethered call.

    Average Handle Time

    The average Handle Time for a call. This is sum of Average Talk Time (including Hold Time) and Average ACW of an agent for a day.

    Average Talk Time

    This is Total call duration of calls handled by an agent for a day divided by total call count.

    Average ACW Time

    Total ACW duration of calls handled by an agent for a day divided by total call count.

    Total Calls Handled

    The total number of calls handled by the agent for the current day.

    Logged-in Time

    The time that the agent logged in.

    Total Logged-in Duration

    This is the total time the agent is logged in for the day. This is calculated by adding the time between the first login and the last logout and the duration of the current live session for the day.

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