The Amazon Core Application Programming Interface (API) supports the Amazon Desktop, providing agent desktop functionality, such as agent state and call handling etc. The Amazon Core APIs are divided into four categories and support the following capabilities:
Application API - This API is used to synchronize the application with the state of the Acqueon Workspace’s core component.
Application State Sync
Agent APIs - These APIs allow an agent to login/logout, change the agent’s state, or put a call on mute/unmute etc.
Agent States
Clear Contact
Inbound APIs - The Inbound APIs represents how to handle inbound calls such as make a call, drop a call etc.
Call State Synchronization
Call Event Parameters
Incoming Call
Missed Call
Answer Call
Reject Call
Hold Call
Resume Call
Disconnect Call
Clear Contact
Consult Call
Swap Call
Transfer Call
Conference Call
Make Call
Recording Status Event
Pause Recording
Resume Recording
Outbound APIs - The outbound APIs represents how to handle outbound calls such as answer, close, and reject a call, etc.
Call State Synchronization
Campaign Manager Status
Campaign Manager Connection Status
Tethered Call Event
Agent Status Event
Agent Next Status Event
Drop Tethered Call
Hold Call
Resume Call
Disconnect Call
Make Preview Call
Skip Preview Call
Close Preview Call
Clear ACW Call
Get Consult Agent List
Get Consult Queue List
Consult Call
Drop Consult Call
Transfer Call
Conference Call
Queue Transfer Call
Accept Warm Transfer Call
Reject Warm Transfer Call
Call Outcome Set Event
Swap Call
External Consult Call
Pause Recording
Resume Recording
Outbound Call Event Parameters
Also known as API. A set of routines, protocols, and tools for using software applications. API also can refer to an interface that enables third-party programs to connect to any of Acqueon's applications.
This is a call that has more than two parties connected. When an agent on a call (with a customer) adds another party (either another agent, a supervisor, or a third party), this call becomes a conference.
Also known as Dual-Tone Multi Frequency. This is a system that sends pairs of audio frequencies to represent digits on a telephone keypad.
The agent's current status. The agent state can be Logged-in, Logged-out, Ready, Reserved, In Call, ACW, Not Ready, Break, etc. These states are configured by the contact center administrators and agents navigate between these states from log in to log out.
Also known as After Call Work. This is the work that agents perform, usually after ending a call with a customer. This includes setting dispositions (or outcomes) and other assigned tasks before getting into a state that allows the next call to be routed.
A Queue is a mapping for a collection of agents. The Group has a 1:1 integration with the with Queue of the partner ACD platform or the campaign of the partner dialer platform.
See Group also.
A warm transfer happens when an agent transfers a call to another agent or a supervisor after a brief about the call/customer and an acknowledgement, so that the new handler of the call has a context before engaging in an interaction.
This contracts with Blind Transfer or Cold Transfer when an agent transfers the call to another agent/supervisor and hangs up.
A call that originates from a contact center DN or a contact center IVR system and is dialed to an external entity.
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