- DarkLight
Amazon Connect
- DarkLight
Customer-side Requirements
To integrate Acqueon Workspace with Amazon Connect, the customer must provide the details for the following configurations:
AWS Connect Instance URL: The URL that is used to log into the instance of Amazon Connect. Example: https://myinstance.my.connect.aws
AWS Connect InstanceID: This is Amazon Connect instance ID. Example: dcd51b41-5d7c-4f0e-9905-2985cde7c02b
Region: The AWS region where the Amazon Connect Instance is located. Example: us-east-1
Role ARN: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. Used to establish Amazon Connect client Connection from the Acqueon Workspace application server. Example: arn:aws:iam::975419294579:role/ST_AssumeRoleAccess
External ID:
A unique ID assigned to the AWS IAM role's trust policy. Example: 123456789.
An optional prerequisite only in the scenario of permitting the roles to operate under specific circumstances.
Country Code: Used as a prefix to make manual outbound calls. Example: +1
Allowlisting: Acqueon Workspace domain to be added to the allowlist of Amazon Connect. For more information, refer to this topic on allow listing. Example of the URL to be allowlisted: https://adunittest.acqueonlab.com
Test agent credentials
Acqueon-side Requirements
If outbound dialing is a part of the services offered, Acqueon must fulfil the following configurations:
AE Service URL: This is the URL to initiate the web socket connection with Campaign Manager data services for establishing outbound calls. Example: https://testdomain.ae.acqueon.com/TestDomainAECATIDataService/api/ds/
Enable API Keys: If the authorization is enabled on the AE data services, it is a prerequisite to have the following:
API key - Example for API key: eXefXXb0-eX11-4b00-90XX-X786310a4X12
Secret key - Example for Secret key: 00a1b10c-0d29-3ef4-af56-5a1405b4567e
Setting up Contact Flows in Amazon Connect
A Contact Flow outlines the entire customer journey through your Contact Center, from beginning to end.
To set up a new contact flow, follow the steps mentioned in Adding a new Contact Flow.
To edit an existing contact flow, follow the steps mentioned in Editing the existing Contact Flow.
Adding a New Contact Flow
To add a new Contact Flow, you must import the flow into Amazon Connect. Here is an example of importing Outbound Whisper Contact Flow.
To download the Contact Flows, click here.
The following table describes the details of the flow that is imported.
Contact Flow Name | Contact Flow Type | Description |
AD Outbound ContactFlow | Outbound whisper | This Outbound whisper contact flow is used to add the recording contact attribute for the current contact. |
To import Outbound Whisper Contact Flow, follow these steps:
Log in to AWS Console, click the required Amazon Connect instance , and then navigate to Amazon Connect.
Click Flows.
Click Create flow.
The following page is displayed. Click Import (beta).
Browse and select the required flow file and click Import.
The contact flows are available here.
The selected flow is displayed as depicted in the following screen.
Click Save. The contact flow is now saved. To complete importing this contact flow, click Publish.
Editing an Existing Contact Flow
This section describes how to set up Set Contact Attribute block on the existing Outbound whisper contact flow in Amazon Connect.
To edit the existing Outbound whisper contact flow attached to the queue, follow these steps:
Log in to AWS Console, click the required Amazon Connect instance , and then navigate to Amazon Connect.
Click Edit on an existing contact flow.
Drag and drop the new Set contact attributes block from the left-side menu.
Select the newly added block and edit the fields based on these settings.
Key | Option/Value |
Set attributes on | Current contact |
Namespace | User defined |
key | recording |
Set Manually | Selected |
Value | Started |
Click Save.
Connect the newly added block after the Set recording and analytics behavior block.
Click Save. The contact flow is now saved.
To complete editing this contact flow, click Publish.