Amazon S3
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    Amazon S3

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    Article summary

    When connecting with S3, you also need to define the template that specifies the required format for structuring data during extraction from S3.

    Configuring IAM Role for S3 Access

    Acqueon creates and provides the IAM Role ARN during implementation. You will use this to create an IAM Role with the necessary permissions. The trust relationships are updated to allow Acqueon to assume this role for accessing the S3 bucket.

    To configure IAM role for S3 access, follow these steps:

    1. Create an IAM Role with S3 bucket read/write and delete permissions using this policy:

                              "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
                              "Effect": "Allow",
                              "Action": [
                              "Resource": [
    2. Update the trust relationships using this policy:

                              "Effect": "Allow",
                              "Principal": {
                                  "AWS": "<IAM Role ARN of acqueon>"
                              "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                              "Condition": {
                                  "StringEquals": {
                                      "sts:ExternalId": "12345"

    In <IAM Role ARN of acqueon> provide the IAM Role ARN that Acqueon provided during the implementation.

    Creating an Amazon-S3 Connection

    As soon as you log in, the home page is displayed and by default, the Connections tab is selected.

    To create a new connection, follow these steps:

    To create a new connection, follow these steps:

    1. Click Add New on the right side of the home page. The CONNECTOR SETTINGS pop-up is displayed.

    2. Provide a name to your connection in the New Connection Name field.


      • The character limit for your connection name is 100.

      • The Connection name cannot contain spaces and special characters other than hyphen and underscore.

    3. From the Connector Type dropdown menu, select Amazon-S3.

    4. Type the IAM Role ARN in the textbox. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) uniquely identifies an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.

    5. Type the External ID in the textbox associated with the AWS account.

    6. Type a Bucket name in the text box. This a container to store files in Amazon S3.

    7. Type the folder path in the Path Prefix text box if you have a template file already.

    8. Click Test to verify the provided credentials above.

      Providing a CSV template with S3 is mandatory. You can upload the sample template using the Browse option or directly to the AWS S3 path, ensuring it matches the Path Prefix specified above.

    9. If you prefer to upload a sample template here, click Browse.

    10. Click Create.

    The connection is created successfully and is displayed on the Connections page

    Template Recommendations

    Follow these recommendations for your template to ensure smooth data processing and accurate mapping.

    • Supports CSV format files only.

    • The headings in the CSV files represent the object fields. These headings in the CSV template file must match the headings in the actual CSV data file to ensure data can be retrieved correctly.

    • Ensure that the column names align with field names in your system for accurate data mapping.

    Data Upload

    In the path prefix you created, two folders are set up: ToProcess/ and Processed. Upload your CSV data file to the ToProcess folder. Once the system processes and retrieves the data, the file is automatically moved to the Processed folder.

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