Amazon S3
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    Amazon S3

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    Article summary

    By integrating Amazon S3 with Data Cloud, you can easily bring in large volumes of data, transform it, and enrich it with valuable insights. This setup allows you to create sources and ingest data directly from your S3 buckets, leveraging Data Cloud’s capabilities for analysis and refinement. After processing, the enriched data can be sent to various destinations, enabling better decision-making and supporting your business needs.

    Understanding Amazon S3 as a Source

    Amazon S3 serves as a scalable storage solution where you can store data files that you want to bring into Data Cloud. It acts as a data repository, organizing files in containers called buckets. When you connect S3 to Data Cloud, you’re simply giving Data Cloud access to these buckets so it can pull in the data you need, analyze it, and enrich it, and send it back to the Destination.


    As S3 is not a CRM, the concept of objects and fields does not apply here. Instead, the headings of the CSV files play the role of the object fields.

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