API Keys
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    API Keys

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    Article summary

    The API Keys feature facilitates secure access for a third-party application to Campaign Manager services. It uses Basic Authentication to allow access to both the Webservice and Websocket Server, ensuring that only authorized applications can interact with these services.

    Create API Keys

    1. Go to API Key and click Create.

    2. Enter a Name and a Description for the API Key.

    3. The API Key is generated and populated in the API Key field. Copy the key to a file.

    4. The Secret Key is generated and populated in the Secret Keyfield. Copy the key to a file.


      Secret Key is visible to the users only when you are creating the API keys. Once you have saved the API key and secret key pair, the key value is not visible.

    5. Click Submit to complete.

    Using API Key

    You can use the created API Key as credentials to access the Webservice and Websocket.


    Send the API Key as a header via the Basic Authentication protocol with Base64 encryption. Encrypt the API Key.

    Authorization:Basic (Base64 encryption) (apikey:secretkey)
    Authorization: Basic MTIzNDUtMTIxMjEyLTEyMTIxMi0xMjEyOjEyMzQ1LTEyMTIxLTIxMjEyLTEyMTItMTIy

    When the client is successfully connected, the client receives the responses.

    Websocket Connectivity

    Access the Websocket with authentication:

    wss://<user>:base64(apikey:secretkey)@<Websocket URL>:PortNumber/AEDataTransmitter?name=<user>
    ApiKey – Generated API Key
    SecretKey – Generated secret key. 
    Encode the API Key - SecretKey pair using a Base64 encode utility and use the encoded result in the request.
    Websocket URL – This is the Websocket URL and the Port, varies for each user.
    User – The name of the client requesting access to the Websocket server.

    When the client is successfully connected, the client receives the responses.





    Name assigned to the API Key.

    API Key

    API Key as generated by the application.

    Created Date

    Date and time on which the API Key was generated.


    Allows to remove API key.

    Secret key

    Displays the secret Key. User must copy the key.

    Websocket URL

    This is the Websocket URL and the Port, varies for each user.


    The name of the client requesting access to the Websocket server.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

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