Apply Filters
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    Apply Filters

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    Article summary

    Field Filtering is an optional, yet recommended, step to add another layer of control to your mapped data. This feature is used to retrieve only specific records matching a condition instead of ingesting all the records from a Salesforce object. These rules are applied based on the following options in the default query:

    • Created Date – the record creation date for the specific object that was mapped.

    • Last Modified Date – the date on which the record was last modified.

    • System Modstamp – Date and time when a record was last modified by a User or by an automated process (such as a trigger in Salesforce).

    Field Filtering offers the flexibility to use nested query conditions (AND/OR operators). Based on these conditions, you can retrieve data from the integrated CRM for the mapped objects.


    • The Select Operator dropdown menu populates the options based on the object field data type you select. For example, if the selected Objected Field is First Name (data type: string), the operator options are Equals to, Not equals to, Like.

    • If you delete the fields you mapped, the corresponding field filters are also deleted.

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