Auto Completing Task
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    Auto Completing Task

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    Article summary

    This section deals with task auto completion when the outcome is set in the Campaign Manager gadget. A method CallBackMethod is used to receive the messages from outside. When an outcome is set in the Gadget or when Workspace is configured in CRM Container, the gadget sends a post message to the Flex Plug-in to complete the Task.

    Postmessage Name for Auto Completing: AutoCompleteSID

    The following block includes the Web Socket Connection Establishment Postmessage from the Gadget:

    Post Message Name for Web Socket Establishment: RequestForAgentID

    function CallBackMethod(event) {
            if (event.hasOwnProperty("source")) {
            } else {
              if (event != undefined && event != "" && event != null) {
                if (typeof event === "string") {
                  if (event.indexOf("AutoCompleteSID") > -1) {
                    var reservSID = "";
                    reservSID = JSON.parse(event.split("~")[1]);
                    var AgentID = "";
                    var LCMKey = "";
                    var defaultOutcome = "";
                    var LCMKeywrap = "";
                    var DisconnectMessage = "";
                    AgentID = event.split("~")[5];
                    LCMKey = event.split("~")[3];
                    defaultOutcome = event.split("~")[7];
                    LCMKeywrap =
                      LCMKey +
                      "#" +
                      defaultOutcome +
                      "#" +
                      AgentID +
                      "#" +
                    //Auto Wrapup task once outcome is set
                    flex.Actions.invokeAction("CompleteTask", {
                      sid: reservSID.ReservationSID,
                  else if (event.indexOf("RequestForAgentID") > -1) {//to establish websocket connection
                    var AgentID =;
                    if (AgentID != "" && AgentID != undefined && AgentID != null) {
                        var Prefix = "WK";
                        if (AgentID.indexOf(Prefix) != 1) {
                            AgentID = AgentID.replace(Prefix, "");
                            console.log("RequestForAgentID" + AgentID);
                    var win = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].contentWindow;
                    //win.window.postMessage("AgentIDToOpenSocket~" +AgentID, "*");
                    if (win != undefined) {
                        win.window.postMessage("AgentIDToOpenSocket~" + AgentID + "~WorkerName~" + WorkerName + "~AccountSID~" + AccountSID + "~WorkerActivity~" + ActivityName + "~ActivityAvailable~" + ActivityAvailable + "~WorkspaceSID~" + WorkspaceSID, "*");

    This completes deployment of functions as services.

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