Auto Wrapping Calls
- DarkLight
Auto Wrapping Calls
- DarkLight
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The automatic wrapping of calls are available for the following modes:
Auto Wrap or After-Call Work completes the tasks when the configured Wrapup Time is reached. You can configure the AutoWrapupTimeout value in AEConsole Campaign Page > Campaign Group Accordion > Gerneral Settings > AutoWrapupTimeout.
reservation.on("wrapup", (wrapupReservation) => {
if (!reservation.task.attributes.hasOwnProperty("LCMKey")) {
console.log("Default Non AE Twilio Flex Task - ReservationWrapup");
else {
if (reservation.task.attributes.hasOwnProperty("Mode")) {
if (
reservation.task.attributes.Mode.toLowerCase() == "preview" ||
reservation.task.attributes.Mode.toLowerCase() ==
"progressive" ||
reservation.task.attributes.Mode.toLowerCase() ==
"predictive" ||
reservation.task.attributes.Mode.toLowerCase() ==
"progressive ivr"
) {
else if(reservation.task.attributes.hasOwnProperty("IsPreview") && reservation.task.attributes.IsPreview)
CallEndDateTime = new Date()
console.log("CallEndDateTime "+CallEndDateTime.getTime());
CallStartDateTime = new Date(reservation.task.attributes.CallStartDate.replace(",",""));
console.log("CallStartDateTime "+CallStartDateTime.getTime());
CallDuration = CallEndDateTime.getTime() - CallStartDateTime.getTime();
console.log("CallDuration "+ CallDuration);
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