Avaya POM
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    Avaya POM

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    Article summary

    Every campaign on the Avaya POM dialer is represented as a campaign group in the Campaign Manager. You can create multiple campaigns in the Campaign Manager and attach them to any campaign group, corresponding to an Avaya POM campaign. These campaigns can be referred to as sub-campaigns or extensions of the Avaya POM campaigns. The Campaign Manager allows you to create various types of campaign groups:

    • Shared Campaign Groups: Automatically created when you create a Shared Campaign. For more details, see Campaign.

    • Email Campaign Groups: These logically group email blaster campaigns and can only be created in the Campaign Manager application.

    • SMS Campaign Groups: These logically group SMS blaster campaigns and can only be created in the Campaign Manager application.

    • Digital/CPaaS Campaign Groups: These run non-voice and IVR campaigns using a CPaaS provider.

    • Dialer Campaign Groups: Used to create dialer campaigns on Avaya POM. Campaigns within these groups can be created by navigating to the Group in the Menu pane on the left to open the Group (Avaya POM Campaign).

    The campaigns mapped to these groups are listed with their defined Deliverable Percentages. Deliverable Percentage is the proportion of contacts assigned to each campaign, helping to determine campaign priority for dialing contacts and achieving optimal campaign balancing.

    You can set the deliverable percentage for campaigns, such as 75 percent for one campaign and 25 percent for another. A campaign with a 75 percent deliverable receives more contacts to dial. If two campaigns are set at 100 percent deliverable, the first listed campaign receives contacts first. Only after the first campaign has exhausted its contacts does the second campaign receive contacts. You can rearrange the campaign order by dragging and dropping them.

    To update the Deliverable Percentage, click Edit under the Actions tab, adjust the percentage, and then click Save.

    Add Campaign Group

    To add a campaign group:

    1. Click + to see the options available. From the options, click Add Campaign Group icon.

    2. Enter a Campaign Group Name and a Description.

    3. Click Save And Continue.

    Configure Campaign Group

    1. Go to the Configure Campaign Group > Contact Parameters and perform the following:

    2. Use a slide bar to set the Initial Number of Contacts. This defines the number of contacts that are sent to the dialer initially.

    3. Use the slide bar to set the Increment By percentage to increase the contact delivery to the dialer.

    4. Use the slide bar to set the Decrement By percentage to decrease the contact delivery to the dialer.

    5. Set the Upper Threshold limit as a multiple of the Initial Number of Contacts that are delivered to the dialer.

    6. Set the Iteration Interval. This is the wait time between iterations in seconds.

    7. Activate the Auto Balancing checkbox to automatically distribute the contacts from the uploaded file equally to all campaigns mapped to the group.

    8. Activate the Throttling checkbox to control contact delivery to maintain the service-level agreement (SLA) like control queue time / reduce abandoned calls.

    9. Go to the Time Zone. All the time zones selected in the application in Time Zones are displayed. Select the checkboxes for the Time zone and the callable window time for each time zone (optional configuration) which overrides the global Time zone selection).

    10. Go to the Agent Mapping section. All the Workers are listed as Agents in the dropdown list. Select the agents as required for this pacing mode.


    • Agent Mapping is not available for all the pacing mode.

    • The campaign balancing feature as defined in this section works based on Campaign Priority and NOT contact distribution among configured campaigns. During every iteration, when the responses from specific campaigns are received, the algorithm does not validate the per campaign response rate to select the campaigns to distribute contacts for the next iteration. Irrespective of the responses from specific campaigns, the algorithm distributes contacts to configured campaigns based on the originally defined percentages.

    Auto Balancing

    Auto Balancing automatically distributes the contacts from the uploaded file equally to all campaigns mapped to this group. Application skips automatic distribution if the campaigns are in a Stopped or Time-suspended state.

    Example: If there are three executing campaigns C1, C2, and C3 mapped to a group CG1. The auto balancing feature allocates the 33% of contacts to C1, 33% of contacts to C2, and 34% contacts to C3. In the first iteration, assuming that there are 100 contacts uploaded and awaiting allocation, C1 gets 33 contacts, C2 gets 33 contacts, and C3 gets 34 contacts. The percentages are automatically reallocated to the other campaigns mapped to the group. If Camp1 is in a time-suspended state, the automatic distribution is reset to 50 percent each for Camp2 and Camp3.

    Add Avaya POM Campaign

    Use the Add POM Campaign option to create a voice campaign group on Campaign Manager and as POM Campaign Group on the Avaya POM server. Ensure that you have completed the POM Settings and synchronized the POM entities before creating a POM campaign.

    To add a campaign group:

    1. Click + to see the options available. From the options, click the Add POM Campaign icon.

    2. Enter a Name and a Description.

    3. Select the Dialer Name. The list of active dialers on the POM Settings page is populated here. Select one from the dropdown list. The campaign is created on the selected POM dialer.

    4. Select the skill to map this campaign from the Outbound Skill dropdown. The list of skills is populated here.

    5. Click Next to navigate to the Strategy Details page. The application supports the following pacing modes: Preview, Progressive, Progressive IVR, Predictive ECR, and Predictive CC. To know more, see the following:

      1. Preview Pacing Mode

      2. Progressive Pacing Mode

      3. Progressive IVR Pacing Mode

      4. Predictive ECR Pacing Mode

      5. Predictive CC Pacing Mode





    Displays the mapped campaigns.


    Skill name given on the Nice CXone application, or while creating on application using the Campaign Manager API.

    API Generated

    This indicates whether the group (Skill) is created using the Nice CXone API.

    Yes indicates a group created using the API.

    No indicates a group created on the Nice CXone application and synchronized with the Campaign Manager Console.

    Skill Start

    Switch to Start / Stop the skill. When you stop a skill, the corresponding calling list is deleted from the Nice CXone environment.

    Group Type

    Indicates if the group is synchronized from the Nice CXone application or manually created on Campaign Manager.

    Group Status

    This is the group status such as Executing, Stopped, or Disabled. Disabled campaign groups are unassigned in the Dialer Configuration functionality. You can assign in the Dialer Configuration.


    Allows you to perform the following:

    Edit a group.

    Stop an executing group. Stopping a group means contacts are no longer delivered to campaigns in the group.

    Delete the group.

    Media Type

    This defines the skill that is allowed to use. For example, agents attached to this skill can use only a phone call. Some other skill may allow the agents to use only an Email interaction.


    The call type is the direction of the call and it is always Outbound.


    Select an appropriate strategy for this skill. The strategies configured for this skill in the application are available in the dropdown.

    Enable Priority-Based Blending

    This helps the agent to receive calls from any mapped skill automatically instead of having to manually check which of the mapped skills have calls to be answered.

    Deliver Numbers Serially

    When selected, Personal Connection selects an available agent to handle a possible connection and attempts all destinations associated with a record in the order specified in the skill cadence. This can increase the odds of reaching the contact. The agent is tied to the connection attempts and, by default, is unable to take inbound contacts until the contact answers or PC finishes attempting all destinations in the record. After PC completes a round of attempts on the record, the record rests. When destinations in the record are available for dialing again, PC delivers the record to any one available agent to attempt its destinations again.


    Specifies if the system automatically dials phone numbers of contacts from a calling list and either play a pre-recorded message or initiate an IVR menu for the contact.

    Ports Used

    When you select the Agentless option, you must type the number of ports to use for agentless dialing. The number must be below the maximum ports you have configured for your business unit. This value determines the maximum number of ports this skill is allowed to use to complete the delivery of the desired message.

    Workforce Intelligence Minimum Agents

    Specifies the minimum number of agents that must belong to this skill. This setting prevents automatic actions associated with Workforce Intelligence rules from removing too many agents from the skill. When the number of agents reaches this number or lower, all skill removal actions, even automatic ones, require approval.

    Workforce Intelligence Minimum Available Agents

    Specifies the minimum number of available agents that must be maintained for this skill. This setting prevents automatic actions associated with Workforce Intelligence rules from removing too many agents from the skill. When the number of available agents reaches this number or lower, all skill removal actions, even automatic ones, require approval.

    Process Contacts as Preview Required

    To enable the preview mode.

    Preview Required Delivery Mode

    Deliver mode of preview such as click to call. The four options varies forms of preview experiences. Selecting None delivers the record with no preview experience.

    Preview Required Timeout

    Defines duration of preview timeout.


    Defines the duration, in seconds, that the agent will have to decide whether to accept the record before the default action will be taken.


    When using multiple number serial delivery, the amount of time that the agent has on subsequent destinations to accept the call. This was designed with the understanding that the agent must not need the same amount of time to consider whether to accept the call after the first one has been accepted.

    Preview Required Default Action

    Allows an agent to accept or re-queue Preview calls.

    Options to Display to Agents field

    Provides option to an agent to Re-queue, Reschedule, and Snooze a call.

    Percentage of agent before overdial

    This is the percentage of agents that must be waiting before the system allows more than one call per agent. The higher the percentage, the lower the chance of abandoned calls. The default value for this setting is 25%. For example, if 12 agents are logged in, 3 must be waiting before the system dials more than one call for each agent.

    Block Multiple Calls

    System retries contacts that have been called at least once. To try a record just once, disable this option.

    Override Business Unit Abandon Rate

    Abandon rate is calculated based on activity in this skill, instead of across the skills collectively in the Business Unit. It enables the user to configure a value higher or lower than the limit defined in the business unit configuration

    Minimum Retry Minutes

    The skill-level value for the minimum number of minutes before the outbound contacts can be retried. This value synchronizes with the General Skill Settings and can be superseded at the outcome level or by callback management.

    Maximum Attempts

    The skill-level value for the maximum number of times a contact may be tried (except if manually called by an agent). This value synchronizes with the General Skill Settings and can be superseded at the outcome or phone number level. Callbacks use a separate value for this field.

    Default Contact Expiration

    This sets the time period that records are stored on the virtual cluster. After this time, the expired records are deleted from the virtual cluster but are still available in the data warehouse for reporting purposes. With Proactive XS, an expired record is checked into the CRM or other external system.

    Consecutive Attempts Without a Live-Connect

    Number of attempts that should be made to deliver a call for agent handling, before being considered for an inbound call. This diminishes the ping-pong effect of priority blending.

    Inactive Blending Timer

    Minimum number of seconds that an agent will be retained to support outbound activity, before being released to take other work.

    Maximum Ringing Duration

    The number of seconds that the phone rings before being considered a no answer by the system.

    Override Business Unit Abandon Rate

    If enabled, the abandon rate is calculated based solely on the activity in this skill instead of across the skills collectively in the Business Unit. This will enable the user to configure a value higher or lower than the limit defined in the business unit configuration.

    Begin Dampen Percentage

    When the abandon rate reaches this percentage of the target threshold amount, the system begins to throttle the ratio being dialed to limit the number of abandoned calls. Example, if the threshold is 3% and the value is 50, then the system would begin to dampen the aggressiveness of the pacing engine when the abandon rate reaches 1.50%.

    Abandon Rate Cutoff

    The cutoff value is subtracted from the abandon rate to determine when the system calls at a 1:1 ratio to limit the risk of having abandoned calls. Example: For a skill having a threshold of 3.00% and cutoff value of 0.2, 1:1 dialing ratio is enforced when the calculated abandoned rate reaches 2.8%.

    Abandon Rate Threshold

    The targeted maximum percentage of abandoned calls allowed while running this skill, used along with the other governance settings to control the aggressiveness of the pacing engine. The value is inherited from the Business Unit and can be adjusted for the skill if the Override BU abandon rate field is enabled.

    Maximum Ratio

    Maximum Ratio is the maximum allowed calls per waiting agent that can be dialed. The system may deliver a lower number based on the mathematical algorithm that is determining the maximum calls to dial to achieve the lowest wait time to receive another live call while not exceeding the various limits including abandon rate, defined by the user.This is the medial type that the skill is allowed to use. For example, agents attached to this skill can use only a phone call. Some other skill may allow the agents to use only an Email interaction.


    The term Aggressiveness determines the speed at which the system ramps up to the maximum dialing ratio. Conservative is normal speed. The recommended setting are

    Moderate is faster

    Aggressive is maximum speed. Aggressive is not recommended except for a list with a reach rate of less than 10%.

    End-of-list Notification Delay

    The number of seconds the system waits after receiving no record back from the calling list before notifying administrators and agents.

    Percentage of agent before overdial

    The percentage of agents are waiting before the system allows more than one call per agent. The higher the percentage, the lower the chance of abandoned calls. The default value for this setting is 25%. For example, if 12 agents are logged in, 3 must be waiting before the system dials more than one call for each agent.

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