Call Direction
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    Call Direction

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    Article summary

    You have to add the Call Direction Sub Types to your Workspace instance. There are two types of calls, Inbound and Outbound. Each of these can have sub types.

    1. Navigate to the Call Direction SubTypes tab.

    2. Click +Add to add a sub type for Inbound calls.

      1. Enter Manual as a sub type.

    3. In the Outbound section, click +Add to add sub types for Outbound calls.

      1. Enter a subtype. For example, Preview.

      2. Click +Add to enter more sub types.

      3. Ideally, you should add Preview, Predictive, and Progressive call sub types.

    4. Click Save after adding all sub types.


    To set default configuration, use the Call_Direction.png provided with build binaries (path: configuration/application config/sfadmin).

    To delete any listed item - Type or Sub Type, click the specific Delete button. Click Save.

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