Call Guide Wrapper
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    Call Guide Wrapper

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    Article summary

    A call guide wrapper helps you build customized questionnaires displayed in Acqueon Workspace where the Agent fills out the call details. The scripts for the call guide are designed in Campaign Manager against each campaign. You can access the Script Designer option from the main menu.

    Call Guide Wrapper Integration

    Perform the following steps to integrate the Call Guide wrapper library into an Agent Workspace instance.

    1. Load the Call Guide Wrapper into the Acqueon Workspace DOM.

    2. Invoke the following API method to get scripts for the current contact:

      getAgentCallGuideModel(lcmKey, lcmApi)
    3. The above API method fetches a specific call guide for the contact. It accepts the LCMKey as the input parameter and returns a JSON Object containing contact-related information that guides the agent. The LCMApi part of the input parameter contains the URL of the Webservice.

    4. The above method loads the script for the current contact and assigns the first question in the global variable named as currentQuestion.

      Conditions: [{}],
      Options:[{value: "Yes"},{value: "No"}], // if QuestionType = "RADIO" or "CHECKBOX"
      QuestionType: "TEXT",
      Title: "Paid",
      FieldName: "Paid",
      Text: "Hi Anamika,
      Greetings! I am calling from Acqueon. Is this a good time to talk?",
      HelpText: ""
    5. When the agent completes the first question, the application has to invoke the next question via the global variable getNextQuestion(userInput).


    The answer to the current question(userInput) must be passed as a parameter to this method get the next question. Once the method is called, you can access the currentQuestion variable to get the details of the next question. The system internally validates the answer that was passed as the parameter and gets the next question and stores it into the currentQuestion variable.

    1. To go to the previous question again, the agent application must invoke getPreviousQuestion global variable.

    2. At the end of the script, the agent application invokes the saveCallGuide(Lcmkey,agentID) method. This also invokes the API to store the scripts.

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