- DarkLight
Campaign Level
- DarkLight
You can view the following reports at the Campaign level:
Recent SMS Deliveries - Chart and Table views
Messages Sent and Received by Hour
Messages Sent and Received by Contact
Messages Sent and Received by Content
View Report
To view report:
Go to Script Designer > Campaign. Select the campaign from left pane.
Select From Date and To Date from the date panel.
The default reporting period is set as one week for campaign level report and one day for Average Completion report.
Select a Campaign Group and Campaign from the dropdown. Click Select All to select the campaign at once. Select all option is not applicable for the Average Response Time report.
Select the Form for which you want the report. These forms are displayed based on the selected campaign.
Enter a Contact Number to which you sent messages.
Recent SMS Deliveries
This report displays the number of messages sent for a campaign.
The vertical axis contains the number of messages sent and the horizontal axis contains the campaigns for which the messages were sent. The Chart view displays the report only for the most recent 25 campaigns.
Messages Sent and Received By Hour
Click any campaign to drill down to the Messages Sent and Received by Hour report.
The report contains the following information:
Field | Description |
Campaign Name | The Campaign for which the report is rendered. |
Date | The date on which the messages were sent from this campaign. |
Time | The time interval for this line entry. |
Messages Sent | The number of messages sent within this time interval. |
Messages Received | The number of messages received within this time interval. The date and time the call guide was used. |
Messages Sent and Received for all Contacts
This report details the number of messages sent to and the number of responses received from each contact in the selected campaign.
The report contains the following information:
Field | Description |
Campaign Name | The Campaign for which the report is rendered. |
Contact Number | The contact number to which the messages were sent from this campaign. |
Session Started At | The SMS session start time for this contact. |
Sent | The number of messages sent to this contact number. |
Received | The number of messages received from this contact number. |
Status | The status for this contact number. One of the following:
Messages Sent and Received by Content
This report displays the content of all questions for a specific contact.
The report contains the following information:
Field | Description |
Campaign Name | The Campaign for which the report is rendered |
Form Name | The Form Name using which the messages were sent |
Contact Number | The contact number to which the messages were sent from this campaign |
Message | The content of the SMS message that was sent to the contact |
Date Time | The date and time when this message was sent to the contact |