- DarkLight
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CAMPAIGNGROUP | CAMPAIGNGROUP | nvarchar (64) (null) | The name of the campaign group mapped for this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CAMPAIGNID | CAMPAIGNID | int (64) (not null) | The campaign ID autogenerated at the time of creation | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION | nvarchar (255) (not null) | The description for the campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CAMPAIGNTYPE | CAMPAIGNTYPE | int (not null) | The campaign type – Voice or non-voice. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | PACEID | PACEID | int (not null) | The campaign pacing mode. The following pacing modes are applicable for Cisco CCE and Cisco CCX: 1 for Predictive Only 2 for Predictive Blended 3 for Preview Only 4 for Preview Blended 5 for Progressive Only 6 for Progressive Blended 7 for Direct preview Only 8 for Direct preview Blended. For other platforms, the value is -1. | Cisco CCE, Cisco CCX
AE_CAMPAIGN | CALLCLASSIFY | CALLCLASSIFY | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | PAMDHANGUP | PAMDHANGUP | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | APPNAME | APPNAME | nvarchar (16) (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | MAXCONTACTS | MAXCONTACTS | int (not null) | The maximum number of contacts. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | NUISANCETIMEOUT | NUISANCETIMEOUT | bigint (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CAMPAIGNSTATUS | CAMPAIGNSTATUS | int (not null) | The campaign status such as Created, Executing, Stopped, Time-suspended, and so on. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ZONENAME | ZONENAME | nvarchar (128) (null) | The time zone for the campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | OUTCOMEGROUP | OUTCOMEGROUP | nvarchar (32) (null) | The outcome group mapped to this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | AUXREASONGROUP | AUXREASONGROUP | nvarchar (16) (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | LOGOUTGROUP | LOGOUTGROUP | nvarchar (16) (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | STARTDATE | STARTDATE | datetime (null) | The campaign start date. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ENDDATE | ENDDATE | datetime (null) | The campaign end date. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | STARTTIME | STARTTIME | datetime (null) | The campaign start time. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ENDTIME | ENDTIME | datetime (null) | The campaign end time. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CREATEUSER | CREATEUSER | nvarchar (16) (null) | The name of the user who created this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CREATETIME | CREATETIME | datetime (null) | The date and time this campaign was created. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CONTACTTIMEOUT | CONTACTTIMEOUT | bigint (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | AUTOSTOPDAYS | AUTOSTOPDAYS | int (not null) | The days of the week that the campaign stops automatically. For example, Saturdays and Sundays. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DUPLICATEFILTER | DUPLICATEFILTER | int (not null) | To check for duplicate contacts using the duplicate filter. 0 if disabled; 1 if enabled (default). | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ITRANSFERQ | ITRANSFERQ | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | OTRANSFERQ | OTRANSFERQ | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IROUTEPOINT | IROUTEPOINT | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ODN | ODN | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | NOANSWERTIMEOUT | NOANSWERTIMEOUT | bigint (null) | The time, in seconds, that the application should wait before moving a contact to reschedule on account No Answer. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DPTYPE | DPTYPE | int (null) | The dial plan type. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DIALPLANNAME | DIALPLANNAME | nvarchar (32) (null) | The dial plan assigned to this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DPRETRIES | DPRETRIES | int (null) | The number of retries configured. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DPRETRIESCLOSE | DPRETRIESCLOSE | int (null) | The number of retries after which the contact can be closed. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DNCFILTER | DNCFILTER | char (1) (null) | The filter applied to mark a contact as DNC – Phone number or Business Field. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | AREATIMEZONE | AREATIMEZONE | char (1) (null) | The time zone for the area mapped to this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ENABLECHAINING | ENABLECHAINING | int (null) | Denotes if chaining is enabled. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CAMPAIGNKEY | CAMPAIGNKEY | int (not null) | The unique campaign key. This is used for campaign filter for reports. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | FILEPATH | FILEPATH | nvarchar (256) (not null) | The path where the upload files are placed. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | RecentContactID | RecentContactID | int (null) | The last created / most recent contact ID for this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | RecentListID | RecentListID | int (null) | The last uploaded / most recent list for this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DPRETRIESTYPE | DPRETRIESTYPE | char (1) (null) | Not in use. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | RetainPCB | RetainPCB | bit (null) | This field denotes if the PCB for the contact has to be retained. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CycleRetryEnabled | CycleRetryEnabled | bit (null) | This denotes if the cycle retry is enabled for this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CycleOffset | CycleOffset | int (null) | This indicates if there is a cycle offset, that is, number of days in the cycle after which a contact is retried. 0 if disabled; 1 if enabled. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CycleCount | CycleCount | int (null) | The count of dialing cycles completed. A cycle is completed when all the configured modes are dialed once. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CycleRetriesClose | CycleRetriesClose | bit (null) | This flag determines if the contact should be closed on completion of cycle retries. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | StateLawFollowType | StateLawFollowType | char (1) (null) | The type of State Law to be followed when dialing out a contact. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | DailyRetries | DailyRetries | int (null) | The number of dialing retries allowed for a contact for a day. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ListTimeToLive | ListTimeToLive | int (null) | The time to live, for a contact list. This is in number of days. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | TimeZoneUseType | TimeZoneUseType | nvarchar (16) (null) | The time zone use type for this campaign. Options are None – takes time zone configured in SystemInherited – Time zone as selected in the Group.Override – Overrides times set in the Group, takes the time specified for this campaign only. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | Prefix | Prefix | nvarchar (10) (null) | A string prefixed to the uploaded contacts, at the time of delivery. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | Suffix | Suffix | nvarchar (10) (null) | A string suffixed to the uploaded contacts, at the time of delivery. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IsULCampaign | IsULCampaign | bit (not null) | This determines if the campaign is a Shared List campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CreatedDateTime | CreatedDateTime | nvarchar (null) | The date and time the campaign was created. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ModifiedDateTime | ModifiedDateTime | datetime (null) | The date and time the campaign was last updated. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ICMID | ICMID | int (null) | The ICM ID used for the call. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | EmailThreshold | EmailThreshold | int (null) | The number of Emails that can be delivered for this campaign per day or global limit. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IsPostCallScript | IsPostCallScript | bit (null) | This flag denotes if there is post-call script that has to executed after the call. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | WindowRetry | WindowRetry | bit (null) | This flag determines if the campaign is configured with Window Retry. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | WindowAttempt | WindowAttempt | int (null) | The number of calling attempts configured for a specific calling window. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | WindowDuration | WindowDuration | int (null) | int The calling window duration, in days. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | MultipleZipCode | MultipleZipCode | bit (null) | This determines if the campaign is enabled to handle multiple zip codes for dialing. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | PredictedResult | PredictedResult | datetime (null) | The predicted time to get the result for this campaign. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | PredictedForOpenRecords | PredictedForOpenRecords | int (null) | The number of records returned at the predicted time. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | TTLBusinessDays | TTLBusinessDays | bit (null) | If the Time to Live is configured as Business days, the number of business days. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | P2P | P2P | bit (not null) | Flag to determine if Propensity to Pay is enabled. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | BTTC | BTTC | bit (not null) | Flag to determine if Best Time To Call is enabled. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IsAllowInvalidDeviceId | IsAllowInvalidDeviceId | bit (not null) | Flag to determine if access via an invalid device ID can be provided. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IdentityAuthentication | IdentityAuthentication | nvarchar (64) (null) | The identity to authenticate such as SSN, Tax Number, and so on. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IsIdentityAuthentication | IsIdentityAuthentication | bit (not null) | Flag to determine if identity authentication feature is enabled. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | AlwaysToClicker | AlwaysToClicker | bit (not null) | Flag to determine if the contacts have to be always sent to a clicker agent before dialing. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioWorkSpaceId | TwilioWorkSpaceId | nvarchar (256) (null) | The workspace ID autogenerated at the time of creation on Twilio Flex | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioOutboundCallerId | TwilioOutboundCallerId | nvarchar (40) (null) | The ANI to display while dialing a call. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioWorkFlow | TwilioWorkFlow | nvarchar (128) (null) | The Twilio Flex Workflow name. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioFlowName | TwilioFlowName | nvarchar (128) (null) | The Twilio Flex Studio Flow name. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioWorkFlowSID | TwilioWorkFlowSID | nvarchar (128) (null) | The Workflow SID of the selected Twilio Flex Workflow. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioFlowSID | TwilioFlowSID | nvarchar (128) (null) | Unique ID for Twilio Flex Studio Flow. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioGroupName | TwilioGroupName | nvarchar (256) (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioAttribute | TwilioAttribute | nvarchar (128) (null) | Campaign attribute used as matching task conditions to reach the workflow. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | isTwilioStudioFlowEnable | isTwilioStudioFlowEnable | bit (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex
AE_CAMPAIGN | isIVRTemplateEnable | isIVRTemplateEnable | bit (null) | Flag to determine if an IVR template is enabled. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IVRTemplateID | IVRTemplateID | int (null) | The IVR template generated for this IVR Template. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | IVRTemplateName | IVRTemplateName | nvarchar (128) (null) | The IVR template name. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | TwilioWokFlow | TwilioWokFlow | nvarchar (64) (null) | The Twilio Workflow name. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | StateLawGroup | StateLawGroup | nvarchar (128) (null) | The State Law Group name. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | ChatBotAccount | ChatBotAccount | nvarchar (256) (null) |
| All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | CampaignCategoryID | CampaignCategoryID | int (null) | The autogenerated ID for the campaign category. | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | TenantID | All |
AE_CAMPAIGN | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | SubTenantID | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CAMPAIGNID | CAMPAIGNID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The campaign ID autogenerated at the time of creation. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PAMDSCRIPT | PAMDSCRIPT | nvarchar (16) (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | AUTHCODE | AUTHCODE | nvarchar (16) (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | WEEKOFFDAYS | WEEKOFFDAYS | nvarchar (32) (null) | The days of the week the campaign does not run. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CALLGUIDE | CALLGUIDE | nvarchar (16) (null) | The call guide configured for this campaign for agents to follow. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | AGENTCALLCLASSIFY | AGENTCALLCLASSIFY | int (null) | Whether incoming calls have to be classified / matched with previous calls. 0 is classification disabled; 1 is enabled. NULL also valid. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | AGENTRESPTIMEOUT | AGENTRESPTIMEOUT | int (null) | The timeout, in seconds, if an agent does not respond to a call. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | FROMADDRESS | FROMADDRESS | nvarchar (255) (null) | The Email address that should populate the field From when an Email is sent from a campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | REPLYTOADDRESS | REPLYTOADDRESS | nvarchar (255) (null) | The Email address that should receive the replies to campaign Emails sent out to customers. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | BULKMAIL | BULKMAIL | int (null) | Whether the configured Email server supports sending bulk Emails. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | NOOFMAILCONTACT | NOOFMAILCONTACT | int (null) | The number of Email recipients for this Email campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ENABLEBLENDING | ENABLEBLENDING | int (null) | This flag determines if blending is enabled for this campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | VDNNUMBER | VDNNUMBER | nvarchar (16) (null) | Port number to be used by the Email server. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | VDNTIMEOUT | VDNTIMEOUT | int (null) | The timeout, in seconds, if the port is not available. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | QUEUETIMEOUT | QUEUETIMEOUT | int (null) | The duration a contact spends in the queue before being abandoned. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ABANDONPER | ABANDONPER | numeric (5,2) (null) | The percentage of abandoned calls. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | RATIOTHRESHOLD | RATIOTHRESHOLD | numeric (5,2) (null) | The percentage of contacts that can be uploaded for this campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ENABLEPERSISTENT | ENABLEPERSISTENT | nvarchar (16) (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ENABLEPRECONNECT | ENABLEPRECONNECT | nvarchar (16) (null) | This is the pre-connection to send bulk Emails; disconnect if no mails. The default value is -1. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | LASTCONTACTID | LASTCONTACTID | int (null) | The last updated contact ID. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | RESERVED1 | RESERVED1 | nvarchar (16) (null) | The reserved fields for the campaign at the time of contact delivery. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | RESERVED2 | RESERVED2 | nvarchar (16) (null) | The reserved fields for the campaign at the time of contact delivery. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | RESERVED3 | RESERVED3 | nvarchar (16) (null) | The reserved fields for the campaign at the time of contact delivery. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | RESERVED4 | RESERVED4 | nvarchar (16) (null) | The reserved fields for the campaign at the time of contact delivery. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | RESERVED5 | RESERVED5 | nvarchar (16) (null) | The reserved fields for the campaign at the time of contact delivery. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOCAMPAIGNID | CISCOCAMPAIGNID | nvarchar (32) (null) | The campaign ID generated by Cisco for this (campaign group). | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOUPLOADFILEPATH | CISCOUPLOADFILEPATH | nvarchar (256) (null) | The path to upload contacts delivered to the dialer. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOALARMTIME | CISCOALARMTIME | nvarchar (32) (null) | Not in use | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOINITIALNOOFCONTACTS | CISCOINITIALNOOFCONTACTS | bigint (null) | The number of contacts to be delivered to the dialer in the first iteration. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOREDUCEFACTOR | CISCOREDUCEFACTOR | int (null) | The factor by which the contact delivery has to reduce when dialing is not as per the expected pace. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOUPLOADFILEFORMAT | CISCOUPLOADFILEFORMAT | nvarchar (512) (null) | The upload file format for the contact file – txt, csv, JSON, and so on. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOINCREMENTPERCENT | CISCOINCREMENTPERCENT | int (null) | The increase factor for contact delivery if dialing happens slower than expected. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCODECREMENTPERCENT | CISCODECREMENTPERCENT | int (null) | The reduction factor for contact delivery if dialing happens slower than expected. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOALTERNATEVDN | CISCOALTERNATEVDN | nvarchar (32) (null) | Alternate Cisco campaign ID for contact delivery in case of some failure. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOPERIPHERALID | CISCOPERIPHERALID | int (null) | The port number in Cisco for a switch. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | REDUCETHRESHOLD | REDUCETHRESHOLD | int (null) | The reduced upper threshold for contact delivery if dialing is slower than expected. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CISCOINCREASETHRESHOLD | CISCOINCREASETHRESHOLD | int (null) | The increased upper threshold for contact delivery if dialing is slower than expected. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ENABLESTATELAW | ENABLESTATELAW | nvarchar (8) (null) | The flag to determine if state law is to be enabled. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CAMPAIGNPERCENTAGE | CAMPAIGNPERCENTAGE | int (null) | The percentage of contacts to deliver to the dialer for this campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | SEQUENCEID | SEQUENCEID | int (null) | The sequence of contact delivery in case of Shared List or campaigns in a group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | AlertThreshold | AlertThreshold | int (null) | The threshold at which alerts are to be sent when the contacts available with the dialer reduce. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | Alert | Alert | bit (null) | This indicates if alert notifications are enabled. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | EnableDNC | EnableDNC | bit (null) | Flag to determine if DNC has to be enabled. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | GlobalDNC | GlobalDNC | bit (null) | Flag to determine if DNC has to be enabled for a contact across all campaigns in the application. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | Callback | Callback | bit (null) | Flag to determine if a contact is callback contact. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PCBRetries | PCBRetries | int (null) | The number of retries allowed for a personal callback. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PCBOffset | PCBOffset | int (null) | The number of days after which a Personal callback has to be retried. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CallbackStrategy | CallbackStrategy | nvarchar (64) (null) | The callback strategy mapped to a campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | UsePreCallScript | UsePreCallScript | bit (not null) | Flag to denote if this campaign has to run a pre-call script before dialing. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CallbackStrategyType | CallbackStrategyType | char (1) (null) | The callback strategy type used for dialing – Simple, Advanced, or Callback. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ResetGlobalRetries | ResetGlobalRetries | bit (null) | Flag to determine if Global Retries count can be reset. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PEWC | PEWC | bit (null) | Flag to determine if this contact is a PEWC contact. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PrecallScriptValue | PrecallScriptValue | int (null) | The pre-call script that is used, if enabled, before contacts are dialed. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PostcallScriptValue | PostcallScriptValue | int (null) | The post-call script that is used, if enabled, after contacts are dialed. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | CampaignType | CampaignType | int (null) | The campaign type – Voice, Non-voice, etc. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | BlockAreaZipCode | BlockAreaZipCode | bit (not null) | The area or zip codes that are blocked and contacts cannot be dialed. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | LowContactAlertNotification | LowContactAlertNotification | bit (null) | The lower limit of residual contacts remaining to be dialed out when an alert notification is sent to the administrator. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | NotifyAdvanceinMinutes | NotifyAdvanceinMinutes | int (null) | The time to notify in advance for a personal callback. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | MinmumContacts | MinmumContacts | int (null) | The minimum number of contacts to deliver for the campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | DurationInMinutes | DurationInMinutes | int (null) | The duration of contact delivery for the campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveAverageACWTime | PredictiveAverageACWTime | int (null) | The average after-call work (ACW) time take for a predictive call. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveNoofCallstoSample | PredictiveNoofCallstoSample | int (null) | The number of sample calls for this Predictive campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveMaxAbandonRate | PredictiveMaxAbandonRate | int (null) | The maximum abandon rate allowed for a predictive campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveCallStatusCategory | PredictiveCallStatusCategory | nvarchar (20) (null) | The predictive call category for this campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveAbandonCallStatus | PredictiveAbandonCallStatus | nvarchar (100) (null) | Flag to determine if a predictive call is abandoned. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveAMDCallStatus | PredictiveAMDCallStatus | nvarchar (100) (null) | The answering machine detection status for a predictive call. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveAvgConnectTime | PredictiveAvgConnectTime | int (null) | The average time taken to connect a predictive call to an agent. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | isAMD | isAMD | bit (null) | This flag determines if Answering Machine Detection is enabled or not. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveMaxConcurrentCalls | PredictiveMaxConcurrentCalls | int (null) | The number of maximum concurrent calls that can be dialed out in a Predictive pacing mode. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PredictiveMaxLinesPerAgent | PredictiveMaxLinesPerAgent | int (null) | The maximum lines per agent configured for a predictive campaign. If this value is 3 and there are three agents, the number of contacts per iteration is 9. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | isTwilioRecording | isTwilioRecording | bit (null) | Flag to determine if the call recording is enabled or not. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | TaskTimeout | TaskTimeout | int (null) | The duration a customer stays in the queue, before the call is abandoned without being connected to an agent. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | PreviewAutoAcceptTime | PreviewAutoAcceptTime | int (null) | The time configured for auto accepting preview calls. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ReservationTimeout | ReservationTimeout | int (null) | This is the number of seconds an agent is reserved for a call. This is not editable on the Campaign Manager. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | AutoWrapupTime | AutoWrapupTime | int (null) | The time allowed for wrapping up a call. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | EmailChainingInDays | EmailChainingInDays | int (not null) | The number of days after which an Email contact can be chained to another campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | EmailChainingInHours | EmailChainingInHours | int (not null) | The number of hours after which an Email contact can be chained to another campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | RequiredDisposition | RequiredDisposition | bit (null) | This field determines if a disposition is mandator for a call. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | DNCPeriodType | DNCPeriodType | varchar (32) (null) | The DNC type – Forever or a Valid Duration. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | DNCDurationInDays | DNCDurationInDays | int (null) | The number of days a contact is marked as DNC. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | DNCEOD | DNCEOD | bit (null) | Whether the contact has to marked as DNC during the EOD operation. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | IsDNCCustTZEnabled | IsDNCCustTZEnabled | bit (null) | This flag determines if the contact can be marked as DNC based on the customer time zone. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | DNCtype | DNCtype | varchar (32) (null) | The DNC Type for this contact. Options are Campaign Specific, Campaign Category, Multiple Categories, and Global. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ConsentContactDistribution | ConsentContactDistribution | int (null) | The percentage of contacts that is distributed to consent calls. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | NonConsentContactDistribution | NonConsentContactDistribution | int (null) | The percentage of contacts that is distributed to non-consent calls. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | NonConsentTaskTimeout | NonConsentTaskTimeout | int (null) | The duration, in seconds, for which a non-consent calls waits in the queue before being abandoned. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | ProgIVRMaxContacts | ProgIVRMaxContacts | int (null) | Maximum number of contacts that can be sent to the dialer for dialing at the configured Iteration Interval. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_PARAM | DialIterationInterval | DialIterationInterval | int (null) | Interval in seconds to run the campaign threads to deliver the contacts to the dialer. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | CAMPAIGNID | CAMPAIGNID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The campaign ID autogenerated at the time of creation. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | FIELDNAME | FIELDNAME | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The business field name. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | DATATYPE | DATATYPE | nvarchar (32) (not null) | The data type for this business field. For example, string, numeric, datetime, and so on. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | FORMAT | FORMAT | nvarchar (32) (not null) | The business field date format. This is active only if the business field data type is date. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | BUSINESSFIELD | BUSINESSFIELD | nvarchar (32) (not null) | The position of the business field, from among the 25 allowed. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | SQLEXPRESSION | SQLEXPRESSION | nvarchar (64) (not null) | Logical expression value for the business parameter. This is used to retrieve a contact. Also used for reporting purposes. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | IsEMailMapped | IsEMailMapped | bit (null) | This flag denotes if this business field mapped to some content of an Email being sent out via an Email campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | IsSMSMapped | IsSMSMapped | bit (null) | This flag denotes if this business field mapped to some content of an SMS being sent out via SMS campaigns. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | IsDNCMapped | IsDNCMapped | bit (null) | This flag denotes if this business field is mapped for marking the contact DNC. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | BusinessTypeId | BusinessTypeId | int (null) | Business Type ID. 0 if user-created; 1 if Cisco business field. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | Editable | Editable | bit (null) | This flag determines if the business field is agent editable. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | SequenceID | SequenceID | int (null) | The sequence ID of the business parameter for ordering. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | IsMax | IsMax | bit (not null) | This flag determines if the business field is configured to accept large data length. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | Viewable | Viewable | bit (not null) | This flag determines if the business field is agent viewable. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | IsIVRMapped | IsIVRMapped | bit (not null) | This field determines if the business field is mapped to an IVR configuration. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | IsSNSMapped | IsSNSMapped | bit (null) | This field determines if the business field is mapped to an SNS (SendGrid) configuration. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | CharacterLength | CharacterLength | nvarchar (3) (null) | The maximum length allowed for this business field. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | CustomerMaster | CustomerMaster | nvarchar (250) (null) | The default customer data passed to the business parameter. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_BUSINESSFIELDS | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | CPaaSTenantID | CPaaSTenantID | nvarchar (50) (null) | The ID of a CPaaS service provider used by a tenant. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (128) (null) | The campaign ID autogenerated at the time of creation. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | TimeLimit | TimeLimit | int (not null) | The time limit set for completing CPA. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | MinimumEnergy | MinimumEnergy | int (not null) | The minimum energy of voice for CPA detection. Recommended value is 10. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | Sensitivity | Sensitivity | int (not null) | The voice sensitivity for CPA detection. Recommended value is 5. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | LogVoice | LogVoice | bit (not null) | The log voice for CPA detection. Recommended value is 1. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | TotalTimeLimit | TotalTimeLimit | int (not null) | The total time limit at which CPA stops. Recommended value is 20000 milliseconds. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | LogTopFreq | LogTopFreq | int (not null) | The log top frequency for CPA detection. Recommended value is 3. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | break_events | break_events | varchar (50) (not null) | These are the possible break event that are expected during the CPA detection. For each event, we can set the threshold and frequency to break stream and conclude the result. Values are FX – Fax; MD – Modem; BP – Beep. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | FX | FX | varchar (50) (not null) | This flag determines if CPA detects a fax machine. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | MD | MD | varchar (50) (not null) | This flag determines if CPA detects a modem. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | BP | BP | varchar (50) (not null) | This flag determines if CPA detects a beep sound. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | AM | AM | varchar (50) (not null) | This flag determines if CPA detects an answering machine. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | LastUpdateTime | LastUpdateTime | datetime (not null) | The date and time this table was last updated. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | AdvParam | AdvParam | bit (not null) | This field determines whether advance parameters are enabled or not. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AcqueonCPAParameters | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (64) (null) | The campaign name. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | FileURL | FileURL | nvarchar (300) (null) | The URL of the location where the recorded message to be played is placed. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | FileName | FileName | nvarchar (512) (null) | The filename of the file containing the message to be played. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | TTS_Language | TTS_Language | nvarchar (64) (null) | The language in which the TTS message is composed. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | TTS_VoiceTalent | TTS_VoiceTalent | nvarchar (64) (null) | The voice talent that is to be used to play the TTS message. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | TTS_Text | TTS_Text | nvarchar (2500) (null) | The contents of the TTS message to be played. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | PlayOn | PlayOn | nvarchar (10) (null) | The order when this content has to be played – first, second, or last | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | Status | Status | nvarchar (10) (null) | The status of the record. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | PromptType | PromptType | bit (null) | The prompt type – whether recorded message or TTS. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | DTMFFlow | DTMFFlow | nvarchar (max) (null) | DTMF flow to be used for the Opt-out feature. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | PlayFor | PlayFor | varchar (20) (null) | This determines whether to play for a queue transfer or a normal queue. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | Engine | Engine | varchar (75) (null) | The Engine to use to play the TTS message. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_AbandonedPlayDetails | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_NC_AbandAMDCallStatusMaster | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_NC_AbandAMDCallStatusMaster | CallStatus | CallStatus | nvarchar (50) (not null) | The call status for which the configured Abandoned or AMD treatment is used. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_NC_AbandAMDCallStatusMaster | Category | Category | nvarchar (10) (not null) | The category for which the configured Abandoned or AMD treatment is used. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_NC_AbandAMDCallStatusMaster | Status | Status | nvarchar (10) (not null) | Whether the configured status is active or inactive. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_NC_AbandAMDCallStatusMaster | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_AEC_NC_AbandAMDCallStatusMaster | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Amazon Connect |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | CPaaSTenantID | CPaaSTenantID | nvarchar (128) (null) | The ID of a CPaaS service provider used by a tenant. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (128) (null) | The campaign name. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | TimeLimit | TimeLimit | int (null) | The time limit, in milliseconds, within which the first CPA response is to be sent. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | MinimumEnergy | MinimumEnergy | nvarchar (128) (null) | The minimum energy of voice for CPA detection. Recommended value is 10. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | Sensitivity | Sensitivity | nvarchar (128) (null) | The voice sensitivity for CPA detection. Recommended value is 5. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | LogVoice | LogVoice | bit (null) | This flag is to store the voice stream that was used to detect the CPA / Frequency. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | TotalTimeLimit | TotalTimeLimit | int (null) | The total time limit at which CPA stops. Recommended value is 20000 milliseconds. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | LogTopFreq | LogTopFreq | int (null) | The log top frequency for CPA detection. Recommended value is 3. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | break_events | break_events | nvarchar (64) (null) | These are the possible break event that are expected during the CPA detection. For each event, we can set the threshold and frequency to break stream and conclude the result. Values are FX – Fax; MD – Modem; BP – Beep. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | FX | FX | nvarchar (50) (null) | This flag determines if CPA detects a fax machine. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | MD | MD | nvarchar (50) (null) | This flag determines if CPA detects a modem. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | BP | BP | nvarchar (50) (null) | This flag determines if CPA detects a beep sound. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | AM | AM | nvarchar (50) (null) | This flag determines if CPA detects an answering machine. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | LastUpdateTime | LastUpdateTime | datetime (null) | The date and time this table was last updated. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AcqueonCPAParameters | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (64) (null) | The campaign name | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | FileURL | FileURL | nvarchar (2500) (null) | The URL of the location where the recorded message to be played is placed | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | FileName | FileName | nvarchar (100) (null) | The filename of the file containing the message to be played. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | TTS_Text | TTS_Text | nvarchar (2500) (null) | The contents of the TTS message to be played. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | PlayOn | PlayOn | nvarchar (10) (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | Status | Status | nvarchar (10) (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | PromptType | PromptType | nvarchar (50) (null) | The prompt type – whether recorded message or TTS. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | CallStatus | CallStatus | nvarchar (50) (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AbandonedPlayDetails | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (64) (null) | The campaign ID autogenerated at the time of creation. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | FileURL | FileURL | nvarchar (2500) (null) | The URL of the location where the message to be played is placed. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | FileName | FileName | nvarchar (100) (null) | The filename of the file containing the message to be played. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | TTS_Text | TTS_Text | nvarchar (2500) (null) | The contents of the TTS message to be played. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | PlayOn | PlayOn | nvarchar (10) (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | Status | Status | nvarchar (10) (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | PromptType | PromptType | nvarchar (50) (null) | The prompt type – whether recorded message or TTS. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | CallStatus | CallStatus | nvarchar (50) (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | MachineDetectionTimeout | MachineDetectionTimeout | int (null) | The timeout, in seconds, for machine detection. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | MachineDetectionSpeechThreshold | MachineDetectionSpeechThreshold | int (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | MachineDetectionSpeechEndThreshold | MachineDetectionSpeechEndThreshold | int (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | MachineDetectionSilenceTimeout | MachineDetectionSilenceTimeout | int (null) | The timeout, in seconds, for machine detection of silence. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_AMDPlayDetails | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | CampaignID | CampaignID | varchar (128) (not null) | The campaign ID autogenerated at the time of creation. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveNoofCallstoSample | PredictiveNoofCallstoSample | int (not null) | The number of sample calls for this Predictive campaign. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveMaxConcurrentCalls | PredictiveMaxConcurrentCalls | int (not null) | The number of maximum concurrent calls that can be dialed out in a Predictive pacing mode. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveMaxAbandonRate | PredictiveMaxAbandonRate | int (not null) | The maximum abandon rate allowed for a predictive campaign. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveMaxLinesPerAgent | PredictiveMaxLinesPerAgent | int (not null) | The maximum lines per agent configured for a predictive campaign. If this value is 3 and there are 15 agents, the number of contacts per iteration is 45. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveMinLinesPerAgent | PredictiveMinLinesPerAgent | int (not null) | The minimum lines per agent configured for a predictive campaign. If this value is 2 and there are ten agents, the number of contacts per iteration is 20. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveDialerIteration | PredictiveDialerIteration | int (not null) | The duration between to contact delivery iterations. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveInitialSeed | PredictiveInitialSeed | int (not null) | The number of contacts to be delivered during the first iteration for the day. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveInitialSeedIteration | PredictiveInitialSeedIteration | int (not null) | The number of iterations that the above seed value applies to. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveGainFactor | PredictiveGainFactor | float (not null) | The factor by which the dialing rate can be increased if success connects are not received as expected. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | PredictiveLossFactor | PredictiveLossFactor | float (not null) | The factor by which the dialing rate can be decreased if success connects are received faster than expected. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_Campaign_PredictiveParams | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
*All fields in the OBD_CampaignBusinessFields table are populated as XML values in one column – CampaignBusinessParameter. This is for all dialers.