Campaign Configuration
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    Campaign Configuration

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    Article summary

    Perform the following steps to create a Campaign:

    1. Go to Admin > Outbound > Campaign Management and select the appropriate campaign to create.

    2. Click Create New and add the appropriate name.

    3. Select a Division and Preview Dialing.

    4. Select a Queue of agents you want to participate in this campaign and select a script from the Agent Script list.

    5. To allow the agent to bypass a preview contact, enable Allow Skipping of Preview Calls. When disabled, a preview telephone number cannot be skipped by the agent.

    6. To permit each agent a fixed amount of time to preview the record before the contact is automatically dialed, turn on Enable Preview Timer.

    7. Select the Contact List and Contact List Number form the dropdown. These are temporary fields.

    8. Do not make any change in Contact List Filter box.

    9. For preview campaigns with agent-owned records, select the contact list column from the Agent Owned Column list that specifies the email addresses or user IDs of the agents.

    10. Caller ID entries allow you to set the name and phone number shown to contacts as Caller ID information. Type a calling party number in the Caller ID: Phone Number box. Type a calling party name in the Caller ID: Name box.

    11. Do not make any changes in the following fields:

      1. DNC List

      2. Call Rule Sets

      3. Contactable Time Set

      4. Advance > Priority

    12. Activate Always Running if you want the campaign to continue running even if there are currently no contacts on the contact list.

    13. Do not make any changes in Contact Storing and Dynamic Queueing fields.

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