- DarkLight
Campaign Filter Groups
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | CAMPAIGNID | CAMPAIGNID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | This is the campaign name. For example, Collection. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | DAYOFWEEK | DAYOFWEEK | int (not null) | This value denotes the day of the week configured for the custom filter group to be applied. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | HOURFROM | HOURFROM | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The start hour to filter uploaded contacts for delivery. The default value is 00:00 hours. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | HOURTO | HOURTO | nvarchar (8) (not null) | The end hour to filter uploaded contacts for delivery. The default value is 23:59 hours. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | CUSTOMFILTERGROUP | CUSTOMFILTERGROUP | nvarchar (32) (not null) | The name of the custom filter group applied to the campaign for contact delivery. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_CUSTOMFILTER | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERS | CustomFilterGroupID | CustomFilterGroupID | int (not null) | The custom filter group ID autogenerated when a new filter group is created. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERS | CustomFilterGroup | CustomFilterGroup | nvarchar (32) (not null) | The name of the custom filter group created. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERS | Description | Description | nvarchar (32) (null) | The description for the custom filter group. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERS | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | This is the campaign name this custom filter group belongs to. For example, Collection. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERS | IsDefault | IsDefault | bit (null) | Specifies if this is the default custom filter group for the campaign. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERS | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERS | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERGROUP | CustomFilterGroup | CustomFilterGroup | nvarchar (32) (not null) | The name of the custom filter group. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERGROUP | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | This is the campaign name this custom filter group belongs to. For example, Collection. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ConditionID | ConditionID | int (not null) | The condition ID autogenerated by the application when a condition is created. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ConditionName | ConditionName | nvarchar (64) (null) | The condition name for the condition part of this filter group. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ConditionSTR | ConditionSTR | nvarchar (max) (null) | The string that is part of the condition. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ConditionQRY | ConditionQRY | nvarchar (max) (null) | The query that is part of the condition. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | Enabled | Enabled | int (null) | Specifies if this condition is enabled. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ContPercent | ContPercent | numeric (5, 2) (null)
| Defines the percentage of contacts processed for each condition. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | SequenceID | SequenceID | int (null) | The sequence ID generated for this condition. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | SysConditions | SysConditions | nvarchar (64) (null) | The system conditions to filter the contacts with. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | OrderBy | OrderBy | nvarchar (2048) (null) | The order in which the data satisfying the condition should be shown. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | TargetGroupName | TargetGroupName | nvarchar (64) (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | IsDeleted | IsDeleted | bit (null) | Specifies if this condition is deleted and cannot be used. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ConditionType | ConditionType | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | PaceID | PaceID | nvarchar (16) (null)
| The pacing mode ID. The following pacing modes are applicable for Cisco CCE and Cisco CCX: 1 for Predictive Only 2 for Predictive Blended 3 for Preview Only 4 for Preview Blended 5 for Progressive Only 6 for Progressive Blended 7 for Direct preview Only 8 for Direct preview Blended. For other platforms, the value is -1. | Cisco CCE, Cisco CCX
All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ZoneNameMapped | ZoneNameMapped | nvarchar (max) (null) | The zone name mapped to this condition. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ExportedConditionID | ExportedConditionID | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTER | ConditionSTRInfo | ConditionSTRInfo | nvarchar (max) (null) | The condition based on which contacts are filtered. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERGROUP | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CUSTOMFILTERGROUP | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
*All fields in the OBD_CustomFilters table are populated as XML values in one column named CustomFilterGroup. This is for all dialers.
**All fields in the OBD_CustomFilterGroup table are populated as XML values in one column named CampaignCustomFilters. This is for all dialers.