- DarkLight
Campaign Groups
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CampaignGroupID | CampaignGroupID | int (not null) | The campaign group ID autogenerated at the time of creation. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CAMPAIGNGROUP | CAMPAIGNGROUP | nvarchar (64) (null) | The campaign group name. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION | nvarchar (256) (null) | The campaign group description. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOCAMPAIGNID | CISCOCAMPAIGNID | bigint (null) | The Cisco Campaign ID for this campaign group. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/ Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOUPLOADFILEPATH | CISCOUPLOADFILEPATH | nvarchar (250) (null) | The file upload path to place the contact upload files. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOALARMTIME | CISCOALARMTIME | nvarchar (16) (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOINITIALNOOFCONTACTS | CISCOINITIALNOOFCONTACTS | bigint (null) | The initial number of contacts that are to be delivered to the dialer. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOREDUCEFACTOR | CISCOREDUCEFACTOR | bigint (null) | The factor by which the contact delivery has to reduce when dialing is not as per the expected pace. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOUPLOADFILEFORMAT | CISCOUPLOADFILEFORMAT | nvarchar (512) (null) | The contact file upload format such as text, JSON, and so on. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOINCREMENTPERCENT | CISCOINCREMENTPERCENT | bigint (null) | The percentage for contact upload increment if dialing is faster than expected. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCODECREMENTPERCENT | CISCODECREMENTPERCENT | bigint (null) | The percentage for contact upload decrement if dialing is faster than expected. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ISCISCOGROUP | ISCISCOGROUP | int (null) | Specifies if this is a Cisco campaign (group). | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ZONENAME | ZONENAME | nvarchar (128) (null) | The time zone for this campaign group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOALTERNATEVDN | CISCOALTERNATEVDN | nvarchar (32) (null) | Alternate Cisco campaign ID for contact delivery in case of some failure. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOPERIPHERALID | CISCOPERIPHERALID | int (null) | The port number in Cisco for a switch. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | REDUCETHRESHOLD | REDUCETHRESHOLD | int (null) | The number of contacts to be reduced from the initial delivery based on the dialing speed. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CISCOINCREASETHRESHOLD | CISCOINCREASETHRESHOLD | int (null) | The number of contacts to be increased from the initial delivery based on the dialing speed. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CONFIGDATA | CONFIGDATA | nvarchar (4000) (null) | This indicates if detailed configuration data for the group and its parameters are available or not. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ISDELETED | ISDELETED | nvarchar (2) (null) | Specifies if the campaign group is deleted. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ISENABLED | ISENABLED | nvarchar (2) (null) | Specifies if the campaign group is active. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IsLCMEnabled | IsLCMEnabled | bit (null) | Specifies if this group is for Cisco CCE. | Cisco CCE |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IsULGroup | IsULGroup | bit (not null) | Specifies if this is a Shared List campaign. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IsULGroupMapped | IsULGroupMapped | bit (not null) | Specifies if this campaign group is mapped to a shared list. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IterationInterval | IterationInterval | int (not null) | The iteration interval between two contact delivery iterations. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CreatedDateTime | CreatedDateTime | datetime (null) | The date and time this campaign group was created. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ModifiedDateTime | ModifiedDateTime | datetime (null) | The date and time this campaign group was last updated. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ICMId | ICMId | int (not null) | The ICM ID for this campaign group. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | APIGenerated | APIGenerated | char (1) (null) | Specifies if this is a campaign group created using an API. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | isThrottlingEnable | isThrottlingEnable | bit (null) | Specifies if IVR Throttling is enabled for this campaign group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | CampaignPurposeType | CampaignPurposeType | int (null) | The campaign purpose type. 1 indicates an API Voice Campaign; 2 indicates a Campaign Manager group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IsNiceinContactGroup | IsNiceinContactGroup | bit (null) | Specifies if this is a campaign group of Nice CXone. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ISTwilioGroup | ISTwilioGroup | bit (null) | Specifies if this is campaign group of Twilio Flex. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | TwilioProjectName | TwilioProjectName | nvarchar (256) (null) | The Twilio Project Name for this campaign group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | WorkspceSID | WorkspceSID | nvarchar (256) (null)
| The Twilio workspace ID for this campaign group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | WorkFlowSID | WorkFlowSID | nvarchar (128) (null) | The Twilio workflow ID for this campaign group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | ReservationTimeout | ReservationTimeout | int (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | UjetDNIS | UjetDNIS | nvarchar (56) (null) | The UJET DNIS mapped to this campaign group. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | UjetAgentPercentage | UjetAgentPercentage | bigint (null) | Not in use. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | UjetQueueId | UjetQueueId | nvarchar (100) (null) | The autogenerated ID for the UJET queue (campaign group on Campaign Manager). | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IsUjetGroup | IsUjetGroup | bit (null) | Specifies if this campaign group belongs to the UJET dialer. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IsAECGroup | IsAECGroup | bit (null) | Specifies if this campaign group belongs to the Amazon Connect dialer. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | WxCCReferenceId | WxCCReferenceId | nvarchar (64) (null) | Unique ID of the Webex Contact Center Entry Point which is synced as campaign group into Campaign Manager | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | IsWxCCGroup | IsWxCCGroup | bit (null) | Specifies if this campaign group belongs to the Cisco Webex Contact Center dialer. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP | PlatformProviderID | PlatformProviderID | int (null) | The ID auto-generated for a platform provider created on Campaign Manager. For example, if a CCaaS provider platform is created and a campaign is mapped to this provider, this field is used. | All |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | CampaignGroupID | CampaignGroupID | int (not null) | The campaign group ID autogenerated at the time of creation. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | CampaignGroup | CampaignGroup | nvachar (32) (null) | The campaign group name. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | Type | Type | int (null) | Indicates if this is a Cisco Voice API campaign group. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | Length | Length | int (null) | The max length for business fields for Cisco campaigns. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | FieldName | FieldName | nvarchar (64) (null) | The supported Cisco business field name. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | ICMId | ICMId | int (not null) | The ICM ID (Cisco dialer) for this campaign group. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_IMPORTRULE_CLAUSE | DialerID | DialerID | int (null) | This is the dialer that the application delivers contacts to. | Cisco CCE/ Cisco CCX/Nice CXone |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | ID | ID | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | ProjectID | ProjectID | int (not null) | ID of the Twilio Project. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | WorkFlowName | WorkFlowName | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The Twilio workflow name for this campaign group. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | WorkFlowSID | WorkFlowSID | int (64) (not null) | The Twilio workflow SID for this campaign group. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | WorkspaceID | WorkspaceID | int (not null) | The workspace ID autogenerated at the time of creation on Twilio Flex. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | ICMId | ICMId | int (null) | Not in use. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | TaskQueueSID | TaskQueueSID | nvarchar (64) (null) | The SID for the task queue mapped to the workflows. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkFlows | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkerWorkFlowConditionMapping | Id | Id | int (not null) | Identity column unique to each record. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkerWorkFlowConditionMapping | WorkerSID | WorkerSID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The worker SID autogenerated at the time of creation. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkerWorkFlowConditionMapping | WorkFlowSID | WorkFlowSID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The Workflow SID autogenerated at the time of creation. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkerWorkFlowConditionMapping | TaskQueueSID | TaskQueueSID | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The SID for the task queue autogenerated at the time of creation. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkerWorkFlowConditionMapping | Expression | Expression | nvarchar (max) (not null) | The expression mapping the Workflow and the Worker. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkerWorkFlowConditionMapping | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
OBD_Twilio_WorkerWorkFlowConditionMapping | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | Twilio Flex |
*All fields in the RPT_AE_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_ImportRule_Clause table are populated as XML values in one column named CampaignGroupImportRuleClause. This is for all dialers, except Twilio Flex.