- DarkLight
Campaign Group Summary
- DarkLight
This widget shows a detailed view of Campaign Group performance. This displays group-level predictive parameters and current dialer pace data. The data shown in the image and the code snippet are illustrative and may vary.
"Sender": "ATIRealTimeService",
"Receiver": "AEConsole_admin2_1716204739672",
"MessageType": "CampaignGroupOverviewReport",
Request Fields
Field | Description |
Sender | The client sending the packet. |
Receiver | The receiver of the packet. |
Message Type | The message type is CampaignGroupOverviewReport. |
"CampaignGroup": "AcqDlr_Archana-Queue1",
"ConfiguredAbandonedRate": "4",
"CurrentAbandonedRate": "0.00",
"MinimumCallsPerAgent": "-",
"MaximumCallsPerAgent": "2",
"InitialSeedValue": "-",
"InitialSeedInteraction": "-",
"GainFactor": "-",
"LossFactor": "-",
"PacingMode": "PROGRESSIVE",
"CampaignGroupStatus": "DISABLED",
"TotalLoggedInAgents": "-",
"TotalAvailableAgents": "-",
"CurrentThrottlingPace": "-"
Response Fields
Field | Description |
Campaign Group | The campaign group name. |
ConfiguredAbandonedRate | The configured abandon threshold set at the campaign level. This determines if the contact delivery has to be throttled up or down. |
CurrentAbandonedRate | The abandon rate for the current day. |
MinimumCallsPerAgent | The minimum number of calls configured for this campaign group. This helps determine the dialer pace at the lower threshold. |
MaximumCallsPerAgent | The maximum number of calls configured for this campaign group. This helps determine the dialer pace at the upper threshold. |
InitialSeedValue | The initial seed value configured for this campaign. This is used only once at the start of the day. |
InitialSeedInteraction | The number of interactions based on the initial seed value. This is applied only once, at the start of the day. |
GainFactor | The gain factor. If there is a gain factor, the contacts are pushed at a faster rate. Gain factor is applied when system is not reaching the abandon threshold. The increase is as per the configured rate. |
LossFactor | The loss factor. If there is a loss factor, the contacts are pushed at a slower rate. Loss factor is applied when system hits the abandon threshold. The decrease is as per the configured rate |
PacingMode | The Pacing Mode for the campaign group - Preview, Predictive, or Progressive. |
CampaignGroupStatus | The current status of the campaign group. For example, Executing, Disabled, Stopped, etc. |
TotalLoggedInAgents | The total number of logged-in agents for this campaign group for the current day. |
TotalAvailableAgents | The total number of agents in the Available State for this campaign group. |
CurrentThrottlingPace | The current dialing pace based on the call success rate. |