Campaign Group Summary
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    Campaign Group Summary

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    Article summary

    This table shows the performance at the Campaign Group level. This displays both campaign-level predictive parameters and current dialer pace data.

    The following parameters are included in the campaign group summary:



    Campaign Detail

    Campaign Group

    Campaign group to which the campaign is mapped.

    Campaign Status

    Current campaign status.

    Pacing Mode

    The Pacing Mode for the campaign group.

    Real Time Details

    Total Logged-in Agents

    The total number of logged-in agents for this campaign group.

    Total Available Agents

    The total number of agents in Available State for this campaign group.

    Current Throttling Pace

    The current dialing pace based on the call success rate.

    Configured Abandoned Rate

    The configured abandon threshold set at the campaign group level. This determines if the contact delivery has to be throttled up or down.

    Configured Progressive / Predictive Parameters

    Minimum lines per Agent

    The lower limit set for number of calls to dial per agent. If this value is set as 2 and there are 30 agents, the number of contacts per iteration is limited to 60.

    Maximum lines per Agent

    The upper limit set for number of calls to dial per agent. If this value is set as 4 and there are 30 agents, the number of contacts per iteration is limited to 120.

    Initial Seed Value

    The initial seed value configured for this campaign group. This is used only once at the start of the day.

    Initial Seed Interaction

    The number of interactions based on the initial seed value. This is applied only once at the start of the day.

    Gain Factor

    The gain factor. If there is a gain factor, the contacts are pushed at a faster rate. Gain factor is applied when system is not reaching the abandon threshold. The increase is as per the configured rate.

    Loss Factor

    The loss factor. If there is a loss factor, the contacts are pushed at a slower rate. Loss factor is applied when system hits the abandon threshold. The decrease is as per the configured rate.

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