Campaign Manager Configuration
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    Campaign Manager Configuration

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    Article summary

    To configure Twilio Flex SMS server, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to System > SMS Server. The Add SMS Server screen appears.

    2. Enter the SMS Server Name and Description.

    3. Select Server Type as CPaaS.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Select Twilio from the Provider dropdown list.

    6. Enter the Account SID provided by Twilio Flex for the application.

    7. Enter the Auth Token provided by Twilio Flex for the application.

    8. Enter the SMS Receiver API URL (HttpSmsReceiverApi). This is the URL for the SMS Receiver API. For example, https://<fqdb>/<tenant name>AEHttpSMSReceiverAPI/API/Twilio/

    9. Map the configured SMS server to a Campaign.

    10. To configure the Twilio phone number, you need to create a two-way SMS form in the Script Designer for the Campaign.

    11. Click the Configuration tab.

    12. In Configuration, you can configure the Short Code using which the messages are sent to the contacts and the responses are received on this short code. You can add the Short Code in the Configuration tab in the Script Designer and map it to Campaign.

    13. Now, the Twilio Flex SMS feature is configured successfully both on the Twilio Flex console and the Campaign Manager application.

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