Campaign Manager Configurations
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    Campaign Manager Configurations

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    Article summary

    To configure AWS Pinpoint SMS server, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to System > SMS.

    2. Create SMS Server with “Server Type” as CPaaS.

    3. Select Amazon Pinpoint from the Provider Type dropdown.

    4. Give proper AWS Pinpoint project details in each text box, then Save.

      1. Role-based Authentication: This is required when the application is used from Acqueon cloud.

      2. Enter the AWS App ID. This is the AWS pinpoint project ID with SMS Channel enabled.

      3. Enter the AWS Access Key. This is the key to access your AWS S3 bucket. Access Keys are used to sign the requests you send to Amazon S3. AWS validates this key and allows access. You use access keys to sign API requests that you make to AWS.


        This is not required if you are using Role-based Authentication.

      4. Enter the AWS Secret Key. This is the secret key (like the password) for the AWS Access Key configured in item 5 above. The combination of an access key ID and a secret access key is required for authentication.


        This is not required if you are using Role-based Authentication.

      5. Enter the AWS Region. This is the AWS region that hosts the Amazon Pinpoint project.

      6. Enter the SMS API URL. This is the base URL of the HttpSmsReceiverApi Web API application.

    5. Map the configured SMS Server to a Campaign.

    6. Create a 2-way SMS form in the Script Designer for the campaign.

    7. Add the long code in the Configuration tab in the Script Designer and map it to the campaign.

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