- DarkLight
Campaign Summary
- DarkLight
Campaign Summary report provides a snapshot of a campaign for the selected filter conditions. Go to Report List > Campaign Summary to view Campaign Summary Parameters.
You can choose from three view types:
Contacts and Attempts: Contacts and Attempts view provides both contacts and attempts related summary for the selected date range and campaigns.
Contacts: Contacts view does not require any date range. This view type provides the contact related summary for the selected campaigns.
Attempts: Attempts view requires a date range. This view type provides attempt related summary for the selected campaigns.
To view reports:
Select the View type from Contacts and Attempts. If you select Attempts, select the Time Period from Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month and Custom. If you select Custom, select the Start Date and End Date.
Select the Filter Criteria. For more information, see Report Filter Criteria.
Click Show Records to populate the report.
Click Export to export the contents of the report into an Excel (xlsx) or CSV file.
Report Fields
Report displays the following parameters:
Parameters are listed based on the selected view type.
Fields | Description |
CampaignID | Campaign ID for which the report is generate. |
ListID | List ID to which this data belongs. |
Uploaded | Number of contacts uploaded through this list. |
Fresh | Number of fresh contacts that are in Open state. |
Callback | Number of callback contacts that are in Open state. |
AEM_Open | Number of Agent or Executive (AEM) contacts that are in Open state. |
Total_Open | Total number of contacts in Open state. |
Success_Closed | Number of contacts that are closed with a Success outcome. |
Failure_Closed | Number of contacts that are closed with a Failure outcome. |
Total_Closed | Total number of contacts that are closed. |
Contact_Scrubbed | Number of scrubbed contacts. |
Contact_Flushed | Number of flushed contacts. |
Contact_Expired | Number of contacts expired. |
Contact_Blocked_ByCompliance | Number of blocked contacts |
Contact_Pseudonymized | Number of Pseudonymized contacts. |
Others |
Completed_Percentage | Percentage of calls that are dialed out of the uploaded contacts. |
Telephony_Dialout | Number of calls that are dialed out from this list. |
Telephony_Success | Number of calls with a successful Telephony Outcome. |
Telephony_Failure | Number of calls with a failed telephony outcome. |
BusinessOutcome_Success | Number of calls with a failed telephony outcome. |
BusinessOutcome_Failure | Number of calls with a failed Business Outcome. |
Personal_Callback | Number of Personal Callback (PCB) calls. |
Normal_Callback | Number of Normal Callback (NCB) calls. |