CCP Connection Status Event
- DarkLight
CCP Connection Status Event
- DarkLight
Article summary
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This API provides information on whether the CCP connection status is successful, or lost during initialization, network loss, or network gain events.
The Agent must be logged in to the application.
Sequence Diagram
Message Structure
Request Parameters | Value |
No request parameters |
Response Parameters | Value |
channel | Amazon |
topic | Agent |
subtopic | CcpConnectionStatus |
message | JSON Object |
Message Parameters
Parameters | Data Type | Description | Example Data |
isConnected | Boolean | Is CCP connection is active. | Softphone or Desk phone |
Message | String | CCP connection message. | CCP Connection Lost. Please wait or refresh and retry. |
Sample Response
"channel": "Amazon",
"topic": "Agent",
"subtopic": "CcpConnectionStatus",
"message": {
"isConnected": false,
"message": "CCP Connection Lost. Please wait or refresh and retry."
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