Cisco Acqueon Workspace
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    Cisco Acqueon Workspace

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    Article summary

    Customer-side Requirements

    To integrate Acqueon Workspace with Cisco, the customer must provide the following configurations and details:

    Finesse URL:

    • FQDN of Finesse Side A: The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of Finesse Side A url that serves as the primary Finesse server. Example:

    • FQDN of Finesse Side B: The FQDN of Finesse Side B url that acts as the failover Finesse server. Example:

    BOSH Binding URL:

    Cisco Identity Services (IdS) Configuration:

    • The Cisco IdS Url and Client ID created in Cisco IdSM must be configured in the Acqueon Workspace admin application.

      • Cisco IdS URL: This is the hostname of Cisco IdS.

      • Client ID: Unique Application Identifier that is created on Cisco IdS.

    • Cisco IdS must be accessible from the Acqueon Workspace server.

    • Test Agent credentials


    The customer must add the Acqueon Workspace auth Callback URL in Cisco IdS. Example of the auth callback URL: https://FQDN/auth/callback

    Acqueon-side Requirements

    Acqueon must fulfill the following configurations:

    • In case of SSO integration with Cisco, Acqueon Workspace auth callback URL (Example: https://<AD-FQDN>/auth/callback) must be added in the Cisco IdSM application.

    • Client Redirect URL must be configured in the Acqueon Workspace Admin application.

      • Client redirect URL: Acqueon Workspace Callback URL to which the IdS auth code has to be delivered.

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