- DarkLight
Cisco CCE Configurations
- DarkLight
You must perform the configurations at the Cisco UCCE level and the Campaign Manager application to work seamlessly and in tandem with the Cisco UCCE dialer. Sections deals with the various configurations that you have to make in the Cisco UCCE server. All configurations require that you are successfully logged on to the Cisco UCCE dialer.
Only fields that require configuration are dealt with in this section. All other fields may be left as is or with default values that they are loaded with on login.
Import Rule
Enter an Import Name. You can have only one import rule for a Campaign.
Select the Enable checkbox.
Specify the Import Type as a contact type. DNC or NDNC type is not allowed.
Specify the accurate Import File Path.
Provide appropriate rights to the user under which Campaign Manager services are running. For detailed information on Access Rights, refer to the Campaign Manager Installation Guide.
Select the Comma Delimited as the Import Data Type.
Disable the Overwrite Table option.
In the Fields section, add Field name, Data type, Standard Column type, and Allow Nulls.
The account number field should be part of the field definition since this field is used as common key between Campaign Manager and the Cisco UCCE dialer databases.
In the Schedule section, select Start Import when file is present.
Query Rule
Enter a Query Rule Name.
Select an appropriate Query Rule in the Import Rule field.
Keep the Rule Clause with minimum values. Ideally a 1 = 1 value is good. This is because these query rules are replaced by Campaign Manager filters.
Enter a Campaign Name in the Campaign General tab.
Enter any appropriate value that is required for your business in the Lines/Agent (1-100).
Enter any appropriate value that is required for your business in the Maximum Lines/Agent (1-100).
Enter any appropriate value that is required for your business in the Abandon Call Limits (0 -20).
Leave the default values for No Answer Ring Limit.
The maximum attempts should be configured to 1 (the dialer should not try a second time).
Leave the default values for Abandon Call Wait Time.
Leave the default values for No Answer Delay, Busy Signal Delay, and Customer Abandon Delay fields under the Retries section.
Do not enter any values for the Dialer Abandon Delay, Answering Machine Delay, and Customer Not Home Delay fields.
Select the Personalized Callback if the campaign supports under the Callback section.
Enter the Key Path. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\ICM\pdins\LoggerA\BlendedAgent\CurrentVersion
Enter the Key Name as PersonalCallbackMaxAttemptsDefault.
Enter the Key Value as 1.
If the option of inserting into Cisco Personal Callback table is configured in Campaign Manager Feed Engine, the Campaign Manager SQL database user requires Insert SQL permission to insert records into the Cisco PCB table.
Select the Rescheduled callback mode checkbox.
Enter an appropriate value as required for your business for the Agent Based Campaign and the Call Progress analysis fields under the Campaign Purpose section.
Enter the values for the following fields only for Zone 1 under the Daylight Savings Zone section. Leave Zone 2 as not used:
Start Time - 12:01 am or actual campaign start time.
End Time - 11:59 pm or actual campaign end time.
Leave all the other fields blank or with the default values.