Compliance Profile Type
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    Compliance Profile Type

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    Article summary

    To upload compliance contacts using a profile, use the Compliance profile type.

    Import File

    1. Select the Upload Type and the Import Mode from the dropdown list.

    2. Select the File type from Text/CSV.

    3. If the file type is a Text/CSV, select a Delimiter. Use any one of the following delimiters in your upload file: comma (,), dash (-), dollar ($), percent (%), pipe (|), circumflex or caret (^), ampersand (&), asterisk (*), and tab.

    4. Click Choose File to Import and select a file.


      If the application is in a localized language other than English, save the contact file placed for upload in UTF-8 encoding.

    Field Mapping

    1. Go to the Field Mapping tab.

    2. Select the Country Code from the dropdown list to map it to the country code field.

    3. Select the DNC Data from the dropdown list to map it to the DNC Data field.

    4. Select the Area Code from the dropdown list to map it to the Area Code field.

    5. Select the Channel Type from the dropdown list to map it to the Channel type field. You can select multiple channel types such as Voice, Voice Mail, Email, SMS, and CPAAS.

    6. If the upload type is NDNC:

      1. Select NDNC Data from the dropdown list.

      2. Select the Start Date field and End Date field from the dropdown list to map.

      3. Select the Date Format from the dropdown list.

    7. If the upload type is DNC:

      1. Select DNC Data from the dropdown list.

      2. Select the Start Date and the End Date if the DNC Forever field is not enabled.

      3. Select the Date Format from the dropdown list. This field is visible only when DNC duration is activated.

    8. If the upload type is PEWC:

      1. Select PEWC Data field from the dropdown list.

      2. Click one of Consent or Non-Consent to denote if the contact has to be delivered as Consent (user provided consent) or Non-Consent as per the definition of Prior Express Written Consent.

    9. If the upload type is CPT:

      1. Select a time zone by selecting the option Upload From File or Use Area Code. If you select Upload From File, select the Timezone field to be mapped from the uploaded file.

      2. Select Upload from File if you want the CPT as specified in the contact upload file. Ensure your upload file has a time zone. Select the Time Zone and map a field from the uploaded file that is the Time Zone for CPT. Ensure that the Time Zone in your upload file is already available in your application.

      3. Select Use Area Code to use the time zone of the Area Code as the CPT time zone.

      4. Select Day of Week from the uploaded file in the dropdown list for the customer-preferred day of the week to receive the call. Upload file must contain at least two initial consecutive letters for the day of the week such as Mo for Monday, Tu for Tuesday, and so on. This is a mandatory field.

      5. Select a Time Format from HH:MM and HH:MM:XM. Time format must match that format given in the upload file.

      6. Select appropriate slots:

        1. Slot A Start Time: Select the start time for the first, customer-preferred calling time.

        2. Slot A End Time: Select the end time for the first, customer-preferred calling time

        3. Slot B Start Time: Select the start time for second, customer-preferred calling time.

        4. Slot B End Time: Select the start time for second, customer-preferred calling time

        5. Slot C Start Time: Select the start time for third, customer-preferred calling time.

        6. Slot C End Time: Select the start time for third, customer-preferred calling time.


        It is not mandatory to select all three slots. However, if you select multiple slots, you must select them sequentially, first Slot A, then Slot B, and then Slot C

    Compliance or Campaign Category


    This is an optional step.

    1. Go to the Compliance or Campaign Specific Category tab and select the Campaign Specific DNC and the appropriate campaigns to apply the compliance for selective campaigns.

    2. Select the Category Specific DNC and select the appropriate campaign categories to apply the compliance for selective campaign categories.

    3. Click Save.

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