Salesforce Click-to-dial Configurations
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    Salesforce Click-to-dial Configurations

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    Article summary

    With the Click-to-dial feature enabled in the Available State, the agent can click the customer’s contact number and initiate an Outbound Call. To configure Click-to-dial for an agent in the Available state, follow the steps below.

    1. Click Configuration.

    2. Navigate to Salesforce Click-to-dial configurations and select the required options from the following:

      1. For an inbound agent, select the Inbound agents checkbox.

      2. For an outbound agent using the HVOC (non-tethered model), select the Outbound agents - HVOC checkbox.

      3. For an outbound agent using a nailed connection (tethered model), select the Outbound agents - Nailed checkbox.


    As soon as a nailed-up connection is established with the agent, Click-to-dial is disabled.

    To configure Click-to-dial for blended agents, select one of the combinations:

    • Inbound agents and Outbound agent - HVOC checkboxes

    • Inbound agents and Outbound agents -Nailed checkboxes

    1. Click Save.

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