Configure Campaign Profile
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    Configure Campaign Profile

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    Article summary

    You create Campaign profiles for outbound campaigns to define the behavior of campaign components and define the campaign characteristics. Campaign profiles enable you to override campaign defaults such as the default ANI.

    You can assign a profile to a campaign when you start the campaign in Advanced Mode. The campaign uses the properties you define in the profile. You can create as many profiles as you need, but you can only associate one Profile per campaign. A profile can be used simultaneously by more than one campaign. You can automatically change the profile for the campaign by using workflow rules.

    Create Campaign Profile

    You can create a profile or duplicate an existing one. Perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click Campaign Profiles and select Add Profile.

    2. Enter a name for the campaign profile. Click OK. The new campaign profile with default properties is added to the list.

    Edit Campaign Profiles Properties

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click a profile and select View Properties or double-click the profile.

    2. On General tab, update the appropriate fields:

      1. Select Number of Attempts as 1. Number of Attempts must be higher or equal to the highest number of Global Retries configured across Campaign Manager Campaigns.

      2. Select Number 1 in the Include Number. Make sure that you Do Not select Number 2 and Number 3.

      3. Set the Start at and Stop After timing. Set timing to operate for 24 hours.

      4. Leave other fields with the default values.

    3. On ANI tab, assign the contact variable AcqCLI for Contact Field to ANI Mapping. Leave the other fields with the default value.

    4. On Filter tab, create two filters. Make sure both the filters are with the AND clause:

      1. Use AcqFlagtoDial and set the Filter Equals to Y.

      2. Use AcqGuardTime and set the Filter Is Newer Than or Equal to Approximately to Current Date/Time with 1 Hours Ago.

      3. Click Save and Apply.


    Same Campaign Profile must be used for all Outbound campaigns including Auto Dial.

    Assigning a Campaign Profile to a Campaign

    You can use work-flow rules to change the active profile when certain events take place. To use a campaign profile, you must associate it with a campaign. Perform the following steps:

    1. Open properties window of a campaign.

    2. In the General tab, select Advanced Mode.

    3. Select a campaign profile.

    4. Click Apply or click Save to apply the changes and close the window.

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