Configure Contact Fields
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    Configure Contact Fields

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    Article summary

    Your contacts are stored in a database that you can update by importing a list or when an Agent updates a contact record. The contact database has eight standard data fields. You can access the contact fields under Contacts > Fields. Following are the mandatory fields to create:

    • AcqAgentID: This field stores the unique identifier for the agent handling the contact or call.

    • AcqCLI: This field stores the CLI to be displayed when the contact is made.

    • AcqFlagtoDial: This field acts as a flag to determine whether the contact is eligible or scheduled to be dialed.

    • AcqGuardTime: This field stores a period during which the contact must not be called. It acts as a buffer time before or after a call to prevent frequent calls. The date and time must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.

    • AcqKeyField: This field is a combination of the campaign name, Dialer ID, and contact ID.

    • AcqLCMKey: This field stores a unique identifier assigned to each outbound contact.

    • AcqTimetoCall: This field stores the time when the contact must be called or indicates the time window during which the call must be made. The time is in the format HH:mm:ss.

    • AcqToken: This field stores encrypted unique identifier or token associated with the contact.

    To add new fields, stop the running campaigns. Perform the following steps to create contact fields:

    1. Click Fields Folder under Contacts and then click Add.

    2. Enter the new Contact Filed name in the New Contact Field Properties window.

    3. Select the display mode. The Display as setting lets you control how the Contact fields are displayed in the Agent Current Call screen, by default.

    4. Select the appropriate Data Type and mark it as Do Not Display. If the selected data type is date and time, ensure that you select the date format supported by the Campaign Manager.

    5. Create the following contact fields: These are mandatory fields to create.

      1. AcqAgentiD

      2. AcqCLI

      3. AcqFlagtoDial

      4. AcqGuardTime

      5. AcqKeyField

      6. AcqLCMKey

      7. AcqTimetoCall

      8. AcqToken


    You can create Business Fields such as First Name, Last Name, city and so on, in Five9 VCC to pass across Campaign Manager Campaigns.

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