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Configure Disposition
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A Disposition is used by agents to set the status or result of an Interaction. Dispositions appear in reports. Two types of dispositions are open and closed. Both system and custom dispositions are available. For outbound campaigns, you can reset dispositions for numbers that have already been dialed.
System Dispositions: System dispositions are provided by Five9 VCC to help you improve the reporting results of your campaigns. You cannot remove or add system dispositions, but you can modify some of the parameters.
Custom Dispositions: Created by you and assigned to campaigns by agents. Custom dispositions can be added, changed, or removed.
Adding Custom Dispositions
You can see information about changes to custom dispositions by viewing the Event Log.
In the VCC Administrator application, click Actions and select View Event Log.
In the resulting Event Log window > Filter By menu, select Dispositions. Select a row in the table of events. To see details about the event, hover over it or click Details at the bottom of the window.
You can create a new disposition or modify an existing one.
Create a New Disposition
In the Dispositions folder in the navigation pane, right-click Custom Dispositions and select Add Disposition.
Name the new disposition.
Click OK. Configure the disposition as needed.
Configure Disposition
Perform the following steps to configure dispositions:
Select a System Disposition and right-click to view its properties.
Go to Type tab.
Set the Call Disposition Type to Use Redial Timer and set the highest value of 99 days or select Final Disposition for Contact Record. Do not select any other option in Call Disposition Type.
Do Not enable Allow Agents to Change Redial Time enabled.
For every Custom Dispositions, ensure that you Do Not enable Reset Attempt Counter option.
Leave the Other fields with default value.