Skill groups organize users who have the Agent or SupervisorRole into groups assigned to the call queues that are part of campaigns. Users can be assigned to multiple skill groups, campaigns can have multiple skill groups.
Outbound campaigns: Calls initiated by the Five9 VCC dialer are routed to agents by their skill Group assignments. The skill assignment is under the Skills tab of the Campaign properties.
Add Skills
Perform the following steps to configure skills:
Right-click on Skills and click Add Skills
Name your new skill group and click OK.
To modify the properties of the new skill group, double-click the skill group, or right-click and select View Properties.
Assign Users to Skill Groups. You can assign users to skill groups in many ways. Only users with agent or supervisor roles can be assigned to skill groups.
Adding Users to Skills
Open the skill group properties.
Click the Users tab.
To add the user to the skill group, click Add.
Select the users to add to this skill group.
Click OK to add the users. Click Save.
This is agent capability. For example, in a contact center, there may be multiple language-based skills - agents proficient in English, Spanish, German, etc This is a language skill. Another example could be agents proficient in handling queries related credit cards, loans, mortgages, etc. This is a business skill. Agents can also be grouped together based on skill(s).
A contact-center employee who takes the routed customer calls and also handles other type of customer interactions like email and chat. The agent usually handles customer support and inquiries in a contact center.
An executive in a contact center who oversees in the management of agents, assignment of teams, etc. A supervisor can barge in to any call that an agent is on, help the agent in a consult call, and perform general monitoring of mapped agents.
The role assigned to an user in a contact center. Typically, roles can be agent, supervisor, or administrator.
A Group is a mapping for a collection of agents. The Group has a 1:1 integration with the campaign of the partner dialer platform or with the Queue of the partner ACD platform.
See Queue also.
A campaign is a collection of contacts or records. You can use a campaign to manage the process of making outbound calls (or non-voice modes like email, SMS, etc.) to a homogenous set of contacts. For example, a collection campaign makes calls to credit card customers reminding them of their dues to be paid.
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