Contact Attempt
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    Contact Attempt

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    Article summary

    Contact Attempt shows list of all the dialing attempts for contacts of a selected filter criteria. You can generate the report for a specific value of a Business Field or generate the report for all values in a business field using the Group By dropdown list.

    Go to Report List > Contact Attempts to view report parameters.

    To view reports:

    1. Select the Time Period from Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month and Custom. If you select Custom, select the Start Date and End Date.

    2. Select a Report Type from Upload and Dialed.

      1. Uploaded: for contact attempt details for all uploaded contacts for the selected filter criteria.

      2. Dialed: for contact attempt details for all dialed contacts for the selected filter criteria.

    3. Select a Channel from Voice, SMS, or Email.

    4. Select the Filter Criteria. For more information, see Report Filter Criteria. Applicable filter criteria are Campaign, List, CSS Group, CSS Group Condition, and Other Options.


      • You can select only one campaign for the report. Report is not rendered for multiple campaigns.

      • List is mandatory after selecting a campaign. Multiple lists allowed.

      • Select only one CSS Group and CSS Group Condition. This report is not rendered for multiple CSS Groups and CSS Group Conditions.

    5. Enter the following in the Other Options:

      1. Select the Business Field from the dropdown list showing all configured business fields. Select a field if you want the report for a specific value of the selected business field.

      2. Enter a Business Value, for the business field selected. Report fetches records matching this value for the business field selected. This is mandatory if you have selected a Business Field above.

      3. Select the Group By to group the report data. This is mandatory.

      4. Select the Last Outcome for which the report is required.

    6. Click Show Records to populate the report.

    7. Click Export to export the contents of the report into an Excel (xlsx) or CSV file. If the Export Mask option within the PII Protection feature is enabled and users can view data in the exported sheet, contact Support Team to mask the data. This requires back-end configurations.

    Report Fields

    Report displays the following parameters:




    List ID to which this contact belongs.


    Number of attempts to which the details in this entry pertain. For example, 1 indicates the details pertain to the first attempt and 2 indicates the details pertain to the second attempt.


    Time at which the call commenced.


    Mode of the call.


    Contact number that is dialed.


    Condition based on which data is extracted for this line entry.


    Outcome of the call.


    Agent’s peripheral number at enterprise level.


    Name of the agent handling the call shown as Last Name and First Name.


    Agent login name.


    Call commencement date and time


    Parameter on which the report data is grouped by.


    Value on which the data is grouped by. For example, the report could be grouped by First Name.


    Contact status for this attempt. For example, Open, Closed, and so on.


    Date and time this contact was uploaded.


    Duration of the call in HH:MM:SS.


    Time the contact was dialed out.


    Date and time a Callback was requested.


    Date and time the contact was delivered to the dialer.


    Delivery type for this contact. For example, as a regular contact to the dialer, as a non-PEWC contact, etc.

    Previous_Lead Score

    Lead score for this contact before the dial out.

    Current_Lead Score

    Lead score after the agent has set the disposition.

    Businessfield1 (1-26)

    All configured business fields are listed with their names; one business field per column.


    • Business Field names are displayed as <BusinessFieldName_BF>.

    • If a business field has no value for the selected report date range, this field is not included in the report. For example, if BusinessField12 has no value for the selected date range, say This Month, the column header shows BusinessField 11 and then BusinessField 13 onwards.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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