- DarkLight
Contact Status
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
OBD_Contact_Status_Mapping | STATUSID | STATUSID | nvarchar (3) (not null) | This is the auto-generated unique identifier for the user. | All |
OBD_Contact_Status_Mapping | STATUSDESC | STATUSDESC | nvarchar (256) (null) | The business fields configured for the campaign. All the business fields are listed. | All |
OBD_Contact_Status_Mapping | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The data type for the business field – Number, Float, or DateTime. | All |
OBD_Contact_Status_Mapping | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | If the business field data type is field, the format of the date. | All |
OBD_Contact_Status_Mapping | StatusType | StatusType | varchar (32) (null) | The type or category of the status. | All |