- DarkLight
Contacts Uploader
- DarkLight
Core component processes the contacts list from various sources such as database, contact file, CRM, and so on to validate the pre-configured conditions and criteria before importing the contacts to the system database. It also manages the contact list to update the system database with its required features such as scrubbing, flushing, overwriting, updating business fields. In addition, it supports updating other information like area code list, zip code list, BTTC, and so on in the system database.
The following event codes are available:
Event Code - 8.200020
Event Code | 8.200020 |
Event Description | Initialize - Failed to validate the HA Instance |
Severity | High |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200030
Event Code | 8.200030 |
Event Description | Initialize - Application failed to initialize during start-up |
Severity | High |
Cause | Configuration file does not have opened and closed properly or it might not have updated with their latest configuration entries. |
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200040
Event Code | 8.200040 |
Event Description | Initialize - Insufficient permission to create the processing folder. |
Severity | High |
Cause | User does not have access create or delete the processing files in the Campaign Manager folders. |
Action | Ensure that you have appropriate access to create or delete the processing files. |
Event Code - 8.200050
Event Code | 8.200050 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - External DB - Unable to connect to Remote DB |
Severity | High |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200060
Event Code | 8.200060 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - External DB - An error occurred while importing the records |
Severity | High |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | Ensure if the SQL Connection string and performance are stable. If the scrub operation fails to perform efficiently, Initiates the process again to download and scrub the records. |
Event Code - 8.200070
Event Code | 8.200070 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - External DB - An error occurred while processing the scrub operation |
Severity | High |
Cause | An error occurs while blocking the records of the contact table that matches with the scrub condition. Example, SQL errors like SQL command time out. |
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200080
Event Code | 8.200080 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - External DB - An error occurred while flushing the contacts |
Severity | High |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200090
Event Code | 8.200090 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - File - Unable to read the scrub file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200100
Event Code | 8.200100 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - File - An error occurred while importing the records |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200110
Event Code | 8.200110 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - File - An error occurred while processing the scrub operation |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | An error occurs while blocking the records of the contact table that matches with the scrub condition. Example, SQL errors such as SQL command time out. |
Action | If timeout occurs, you must create an index to retrieve the data swiftly. If the records are matched with the specific business fields, the contact table must be indexed with its business fields. If scrub operation fails to perform efficiently, initiates the process again to download and scrub the records. |
Event Code - 8.200120
Event Code | 8.200120 |
Event Description | Scrub Contacts - File - An error occurred while flushing the contacts |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200130
Event Code | 8.200130 |
Event Description | Contacts Upload - External DB - Unable to connect to Remote DB |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200140
Event Code | 8.200140 |
Event Description | Contacts Upload - External DB - An error occurred while importing the records |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200150
Event Code | 8.200150 |
Event Description | Contacts Upload - External DB - An error occurred while uploading the contacts |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200160
Event Code | 8.200160 |
Event Description | Chaining Upload - Invalid records exist in the chaining file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200170
Event Code | 8.200170 |
Event Description | Chaining Upload - Invalid records exist in the chaining file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must the do the following:
Event Code - 8.200180
Event Code | 8.200180 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - File - Unable to read the file since it is used by another user |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | File is used by another process or application. |
Action | If file does not upload, re-initiate the upload process. |
Event Code - 8.200190
Event Code | 8.200190 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - File - Invalid extension file received |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | If file does not upload, re-initiate the upload process. |
Event Code - 8.200200
Event Code | 8.200200 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - File - An error occurred while processing the contact file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | An exception occurs while processing the file. |
Action | If file does not upload, re-initiate the upload process. |
Event Code - 8.200210
Event Code | 8.200210 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - File - Header mismatch for all the contacts |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | Records of the does not match with the header. |
Action | If file does not upload, check for errors in Log relating to header mismatch and re-initiate the upload process. |
Event Code - 8.200220
Event Code | 8.200220 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - File - None of the contacts are uploaded from the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200230
Event Code | 8.200230 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while loading the area code when area specific time zone is applied |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200240
Event Code | 8.200240 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - Error invoking Analytical API for Best Time Prediction |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200250
Event Code | 8.200250 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - Error invoking Analytical API for P2P Prediction |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200260
Event Code | 8.200260 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while validating the Phone Number for DNC |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200270
Event Code | 8.200270 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while validating the Business Fields for DNC |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200280
Event Code | 8.200280 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while validating the Phone Number for NDNC |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200290
Event Code | 8.200290 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while validating the Phone Number for NDNC |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200300
Event Code | 8.200300 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while validating Compliance Litigation |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200310
Event Code | 8.200310 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while finding the time zone based on the zip code |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200320
Event Code | 8.200320 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while performing the Overwrite operation |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200330
Event Code | 8.200330 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while performing the Overwrite operation |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200340
Event Code | 8.200340 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while performing the Overwrite operation |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200350
Event Code | 8.200350 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while filtering duplicate records |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200360
Event Code | 8.200360 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while moving the data to Transaction tables (Contact and other tables) |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200370
Event Code | 8.200370 |
Event Description | Contact Upload - An error occurred while moving the data to Transaction tables (Contact and other tables) |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200380
Event Code | 8.200380 |
Event Description | Auto Upload - Invalid file extension |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | File is received with an invalid extension. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200390
Event Code | 8.200390 |
Event Description | Auto Upload - An error occurred while moving the auto upload file to the upload directory |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | FileClientUpoad folder or S3 bucket does not have sufficient permission. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200400
Event Code | 8.200400 |
Event Description | DNC Upload - An error occurred while processing the DNC records |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200410
Event Code | 8.200410 |
Event Description | DNC Upload - None of the records are uploaded into the system from the files |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200420
Event Code | 8.200420 |
Event Description | NDNC Upload - None of the records are uploaded into the system from the files |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200430
Event Code | 8.200430 |
Event Description | NDNC Upload - None of the records are uploaded into the system from the files |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200450
Event Code | 8.200450 |
Event Description | PEWC Upload - None of the records are uploaded into the system from the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200460
Event Code | 8.200460 |
Event Description | Area Code Upload - An error occurred while processing the Area Code records |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200470
Event Code | 8.200470 |
Event Description | Area Code Upload - None of the records are uploaded into the system from the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200480
Event Code | 8.200480 |
Event Description | Area Code Upload - Notify if an invalid area code exists in the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | There are invalid area codes in the upload file. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200550
Event Code | 8.200550 |
Event Description | Zip Code Upload - Notify if an invalid time zone exists in the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | There are invalid timezones in the upload file. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200540
Event Code | 8.200540 |
Event Description | Zip Code Upload - Notify if duplicate zip code exists in the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | There are duplicate zip codes in the upload file. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200530
Event Code | 8.200530 |
Event Description | Zip Code Upload - Notify if an invalid zip code exists in the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | There are invalid zip codes in the upload file. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200520
Event Code | 8.200520 |
Event Description | Zip Code Upload - None of the records are uploaded into the system from the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200510
Event Code | 8.200510 |
Event Description | Zip Code Upload - An error occurred while processing the Zip Code records |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The probable causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200500
Event Code | 8.200500 |
Event Description | Area Code Upload - Notify if an invalid time zone exists in the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | There are invalid time zones in the upload file. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200490
Event Code | 8.200490 |
Event Description | Area Code Upload - Notify if duplicate area code exists in the file |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | There are duplicate area codes in the upload file. |
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200560
Event Code | 8.200560 |
Event Description | SF Campaign - An error occurred while interacting with the Service Cloud Voice application |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | No records are uploaded. When the application starts working after the issue is resolved, you get a success event with ID 8.200561. |
Event Code - 8.200570
Event Code | 8.200570 |
Event Description | SF Campaign - An error occurred while downloading for a Service Cloud Voice campaign |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | Salesforce API returns a failure. |
Action | No records are uploaded. When the application starts working after the issue is resolved, you get a success event with ID 8.200571. |
Event Code - 8.200580
Event Code | 8.200580 |
Event Description | EOD Process - An error occurred while processing the EOD operation. The end-of-day, or EOD process is a scheduled task that helps clear the blocked contacts at the end of the business hours. If an AI feature is enabled, the uploader locks the contact with status 31 and waits to receive the best time Mode and time from the third-party API. Once the prediction data is received and updated into the system, the uploader releases the block for further process. In case prediction data is not received, the uploader clears the blocked contacts from the system. |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following:
Event Code - 8.200590
Event Code | 8.200590 |
Event Description | EOD Process - An error occurred while processing the EOD operation. The end-of-day, or EOD process is a scheduled task that helps clear the blocked contacts at the end of the business hours. If an AI feature is enabled, the uploader locks the contact with status 31 and waits to receive the best time mode and time from the third-party API. Once the prediction data is received and updated into the system, the uploader releases the block for further process. In case prediction data is not received, the uploader clears the blocked contacts from the system. |
Severity | Medium |
Cause | The possible causes are:
Action | You must do the following: