- DarkLight
Create Campaign
- DarkLight
To create a new Campaign, click Add Campaign located at the bottom right corner of the screen. Provide the campaign details in this section:
Enter a Campaign Name.
Enter a Campaign Description.
Select a Category from the dropdown list. This is an optional step.
If you do not have campaign category that applies to this campaign, you can click the Campaign Category button to create a new category. Refer to Create Campaign Category for more information.
Select a Business Outcome Group from the dropdown list.
If there is no applicable business group, click the Create Business Outcome button to add a new business outcome group. Refer to the Business Outcome section for more information.
Select a Date Range for this campaign. The campaign operates between the selected start and end dates, inclusive.
Select a Time Range for this campaign. The campaign operates daily within the selected date range during the specified times.
If there is no applicable time zone, click the Create Timezone button to create a new one. Refer to Time Zone section for more information.
Select a TimeZone for this campaign. The application supports multiple time zones. The application supports running campaigns across various locations, potentially scattered across different continents. These campaigns need to operate within the working hours of each specific location. Time zones are configured based on longitudes, and the system supports multiple time zones. This feature helps associate contacts' time zones using elements like Zip Code, Area Code, and State.
Select the number of days for the Time to Live (days) counter. Time to Live is the number of days those contacts, uploaded via the auto upload feature, remain active.
Turn the Business Days switch ON to calculate the Time to Live using only Business Days.
Select a Time Zone Use Type for the campaign. Choose from the following options:
None: Uses the Time Zone selected in the Campaign Group.
Override: Overrides the Campaign Group's Start and End times for this campaign.
Time Zone Use Type is available only when editing an existing campaign, not when creating a new one.
Click Next and go to the Campaign Group section.