Data Update Interval
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    Data Update Interval

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    Article summary

    As soon the response of a successful connection between the Websocket server and the client is received, the response with the requested data is sent to LCMConsole in every 10 seconds.

     [WSEvent] Message: 
        "Sender": "ATIRealTimeService",
        "Receiver": "PerformanceMetrics_ACQ_1654268360}",
        "MessageType": "AEPerformanceMetricResponse",
        "Data": "[{\"ReportName\":\"CampaignOverviewReport\",\"Interval\":10},{\"ReportName\":\"AgentStatusSummaryReport\",\"Interval\":10},{\"ReportName\":\"CallStatusSummaryReport\",\"Interval\":10},{\"ReportName\":\"AgentStatusDetailReport\",\"Interval\":10},{\"ReportName\":\"LineReport\",\"Interval\":10}]",
        "Time": "01/25/2022 07:51:49.470"

    Data Update

    This is the code snippet for the Widget data refresh interval.

                    "ReportName": "CampaignOverviewReport",
                    "Interval": 10
                    "ReportName": "AgentStatusSummaryReport",
                    "Interval": 10
                    "ReportName": "CallStatusSummaryReport",
                    "Interval": 10
                    "ReportName": "AgentStatusDetailReport",
                    "Interval": 10
                    "ReportName": "LineReport",
                    "Interval": 10


    The actual Performance Metrics displays the LineReport with the widget header Call Details

    Data Update Interval - UI

    Information about the Data Update Interval is also available in the Campaign Manager application. Login to the Campaign Manager application and go to Reports > Performance from the main menu. On clicking the Information button, the report description and the refresh interval are shown.

    Data Update Interval Fields




    The service / component sending the packet.


    The receiver (client connected to the Websocket server) of the packet.

    Message Type

    The purpose for which the packet is sent. In this case, it is to get data related to refresh intervals for Performance Metrics.


    Report Name

    Name of the report for which data is being refreshed.


    This is the interval, in seconds, at which the report data is being refreshed.

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