- DarkLight
Detailed Integration Procedures
- DarkLight
The following steps are involved in the integration.
Layout Creation
Create an Acqueon Workspace Layout. To learn how to configure an Acqueon Workspace layout, refer Create an Acqueon Workspace Layout.
Add the required widgets. To learn how to add widgets, refer Add Widgets.
Configure Webex CC Team
After configuring the Workspace layout and widgets, you must access the Webex CC admin application to create a team. To do so:
Access the Webex CC admin application URL and sign in with your credentials.
On the left-side navigation, click Provisioning and then click Team.
Now, create a new Team as per your agent requirements.
To know how to create a Team, refer to the Webex CC Admin guide.
Add the Workspace URL
After creating a new team in Webex CC, you must create a desktop layout to add the URL of the Workspace layout that was created. To do so:
Click Desktop Layout under Provisioning and then click + New Layout.
Provide the name and description in the respective fields as required.
From the Teams dropdown menu, select the team you created.
Click the download icon against the Default Desktop Layout.json.
Open the downloaded json file to add the following webexcc-app component information in area >> advancedHeader.
Here is the webexcc-app component information you must add. The text within {workspace-domain}must change based on the descriptions provided in the table.
"comp": "webexcc-app",
"script": "https://{workspace-domain}/webexcc-sdk-app/bundle.js?WebexccLayoutUrl=https://{workspace-domain}/desktop/view/Webexcc &entryPointId=8575fbac-3a92-4b7e-885a-7476757d1c4e&origin=1908603511&layouticon=https://{workspace-domain}/webexcc-sdk-app/layout.svg",
"attributes": {
"darkmode": "$STORE.app.darkMode"
"properties": {
"accessToken": "$STORE.auth.accessToken",
"outdialEp": "$STORE.agent.outDialEp",
"details": "$STORE.agentContact.taskMap",
"teamId": "$STORE.agent.teamName",
"campaignManagerAdditionalInfo": "$STORE.agent.campaignManagerAdditionalInfo"
The following table describes each component of the script and its function with an example. Based on the fields in the table, add the webexcc-app component information.
Field | Description | Example |
bundleembedded.js | After installing Workspace, the bundleembedded.js file will be available at the specified path. This URL is used to load the WebexCC SDK application. | https://{workspace-domain}/webexcc-sdk-app/bundle.js
WebexccLayoutUrl | This URL points to the Workspace layout (that you created in step 1) which defines how the Workspace widgets are displayed in Webex CC. | https://{workspace-domain}/desktop/view/Webexcc
layouticon | After installing Workspace, the layout.svg icon is available at the specified path. This URL points to the Acqueon layout icon. | https://{workspace domain}/webexcc-sdk-app/layout.svg
entryPointId | A unique identifier used to trigger the click-to-dial action in Webex CC.
To create an entry point: Go to Provisioning tab << Entry Points/Queues << Outdial EntryPoint. Refer to the Webex CC Admin guide for more information. | 8575fbac-3a92-4b7e-885a-7476757d1c4e |
origin | Specifies the source within the Webex CC app from which the click-to-dial call is initiated. To create the origin: Go to Provisioning tab Menu << Outdial ANI.
Refer to the Webex CC Admin guide for more information. | 1908603511 |
After you do the configurations mentioned above:
Click upload to add the json file with the configurations.
Click Save.
Now, the Webex CC layout is associated with the new team you created. The Workspace Widgets in Webex CC Desktop integration process is now complete.