- DarkLight
Dial Plan Details
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
OBD_DPDetails | DIALPLANNAME | DIALPLANNAME | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The dial plan name. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION | nvarchar (128) (not null) | The dial plan description. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | STARTTIME | STARTTIME | datetime (not null) | The date and time this dial plan is effective from. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | ENDTIME | ENDTIME | datetime (not null) | The date and time this dial plan expires. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | DELETED | DELETED | int (not null) | This indicates if the dial plan is deleted or is active. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | MODENUMBER | MODENUMBER | int (not null) | The mode number (priority) for this mode in the dial plan. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | WEIGHTAGE | WEIGHTAGE | int (not null) | The weight given to this mode for dialing out. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | CHANNELTYPE | CHANNELTYPE | int (not null) | The channel type. For example, Voice, SMS, Email. 1 for SMS, 2 for VOICE, 3 for EMAIL, 4 for CPAAS, and 0 for IVR. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | MAXRETRY | MAXRETRY | int (not null) | The maximum retries allowed as per this dial plan. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | PEWC | PEWC | bit (not null) | Indicates if this is PEWC or not. PEWC is prior express written consent. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | WindowRetry | WindowRetry | bit (null) | The number of retry windows configured in this dial plan. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | WindowAttempts | WindowAttempts | int (null) | The number of attempts for each window configured in this dial plan. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | WindowDuration | WindowDuration | int (null) | The duration of the window as per the dial plan. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | CallBackCarryRetries | CallBackCarryRetries | bit (null) | Whether the callback attempts have to increment the retry count. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_DPDetails | IsOverridden | IsOverridden | bit (not null) | Indicating whether the default behavior or settings have been overridden. | All |