- DarkLight
Call Activity
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
RPT_CallActivity | CONTACTID | CONTACT ID | bigint (null) | A Unique identifier for a contact in a campaign | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLID | CALL ID | nvarchar (38) | Call ID is applicable for internal contact reference to trace activities. Example, to track the traversal from contact selection to Reschedule/Reports. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CAMPAIGNGROUP | CAMPAIGN GROUP | nvarchar (64) | This is the campaign group to which a campaign is mapped. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CAMPAIGNID | CAMPAIGN ID | nvarchar (64) | This is the campaign name. For example, Collection. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | GLOBALLISTID | GLOBALLIST ID | bigint (null) | This is the running serial number for every global list uploaded into the system. | All |
OBD_GUActivity | GLOBALFILENAME | GLOBAL FILENAME | nvarchar (64) (null) | The global upload contact file name. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | LISTID | LIST ID | int (not null) | This is the running serial number generated during upload of contacts into a campaign. | All |
OBD_ListInfo | LISTSTATUS | LIST STATUS | int (null) | This column contains the integer number that represents the list status (Active -0 or stopped -1). | All |
OBD_ListInfo | LISTCREATEDTIME | LIST CREATEDTIME | datetime (50) (null) | The date and time the contact list file was placed for upload. | All |
OBD_HD_UploadHistory | UPLOADTIME | UPLOAD TIME | datetime (null) | The date and time a list completed upload. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLSTRATEGY | CONTACT STRATEGY | nvarchar (64) (null) | The contact strategy applied for current attempt. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CONDITIONID | CSS CONDITION | bigint (null) | Internal ID for the CSS condition used during selection of the contact. | All |
OBD_CustomFilterGroup | CUSTOMFILTERGROUP | CUSTOM FILTERGROUP | int (32) (null) | This is the CSS condition group ID in which the currently used CSS condition is mapped. | All |
OBD_CustomFilters | CONDITIONSTRING | CONDITION STRING | nvarchar (max) (null) | This is the CSS condition group ID in which the currently used CSS condition is mapped. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CONTACTNUMBER | CONTACT NUMBER | int (64) (null) | The contact number that is dialed out. This can also be an Email address in case of a digital channel. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CREATEDTIME | CREATEDTIME | datetime (null) | The date and time this record was inserted into the reporting database. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ENDTIME | ENDTIME | datetime (null) | This is the time at which the call is rescheduled by LCMContactRescheduler service. This time is inserted into the CallActivity tables. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLDURATION | CALL DURATION | int (null) | Campaign Manager for Amazon Connect, the call duration is the actual time the agent spends talking to a customer. When CPA is enabled, the call duration is calculated from the time the agent is patched till the completion of the call. For Cisco implementations, the call duration is calculated from the initiation of the call till the completion of the call. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLMODE | CALL MODE | nvarchar (4) (null) | This is the contact mode ID for the contact. | All |
OBD_Modes | MODENAME | MODE NAME | nvarchar (64) (null) | The mode name, for example, Home or Mobile, in which the contact is dialed out. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLOUTCOME | CALL OUTCOME | nvarchar (8) (null) | The call outcome set by the dialer or the agent for the contact. It can be Telephony outcome or Business outcome | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ContactNature | ContactNature | nvarchar | Contact nature for the attempt. Possible values are Fresh, Rescheduled, Normal Callback, Personal Callback, AEM-Fresh, AEM-Rescheduled, AEM-Callback, Fresh-Moment, or AEM-Fresh-Moment | All |
OBD_BusinessOutcomeParent | OUTCOMEGROUP | OUTCOME GROUP | int (64) (null) | This is the business outcome group ID mapped to the campaign. | All |
OBD_BusinessOutcomeParent | PARENTNAME | OUTCOME PARENTNAME | nvarchar (64) (null) | The parent outcome name. | All |
OBD_Outcome | DISPLAYNAME | OUTCOME DESCRIPTION | nvarchar (128) (null) | Description of telephony or business outcome set for this attempt. | All |
OBD_Outcome | RPCTYPE | RPCTYPE | nvarchar (8) (null) | This is a classification to indicate whether the disposition set for this attempt tagged as RPC (Right-party connect) or non-RPC. | All |
OBD_Outcome | ISLIVECALLOUTCOME | LIVE CALLOUTCOME | bit (null) | Denotes whether the outcome set for this call tagged as “LIveCall” or not. Useful in determining the Abandon Call percentage. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLSTARTTIME | CALLSTARTTIME | datetime (null) | Campaign Manager for Amazon Connect, it is the call connect time if CPA is enabled; if CPA is disabled, it is the time the call is patched to the agent. For other implementations, this is the time at which an agent is reserved for a call. It is the call connect time if CPA is enabled; if CPA is disabled, it is the time the call is patched to the agent. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | TARGETCAMPAIGNID | TARGET CONTACTID | nvarchar (null) | This denotes the target campaign ID in case the current contact is chained to another campaign. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | TARGETCONTACTID | TARGETCONTACTID | bigint (null) | This denotes the target contact ID of target campaign in case the current contact is chained to another campaign. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | AGENTPERIPHERALNUMBER | AGENT ID | nvarchar (64) (null) | This denotes the agent ID who handled this call attempt. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | AGENTNAME | AGENT NAME | nvarchar (64) (null) | The name of the agent who handled this call attempt. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ROUTERCALLKEY | ROUTER CALLKEY | int | The running number denoting the identifier on the dialer for this call attempt, imported from the core Database. | UCCE |
RPT_CallActivity | ROUTERCALLKEYDAY | ROUTER CALLKEYDAY | int | The running number denoting the identifier on the dialer for this call attempt, imported from the core Database. | UCCE |
RPT_CallActivity | RECOVERYKEY | RECOVERY KEY | float | The running number denoting the identifier on the dialer for retrieving the call result from the dialer. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ROUTERCALLKEYSEQUENCENUMBER | ROUTER CALLKEY SEQUENCENUMBER | int | This is the ID created by route_call_detail record. | UCCE |
RPT_CallActivity | DIALINGMODE | DIALING MODE | int (32) (null) | The dialing mode field is populated the values that shows the campaign mode for the call. The following pacing modes are applicable for Cisco CCE and Cisco CCX: 1 for Predictive Only 2 for Predictive Blended 3 for Preview Only 4 for Preview Blended 5 for Progressive Only 6 for Progressive Blended 7 for Direct preview Only 8 for Direct preview Blended.
For other platforms, the value is -1. | Cisco CCE, Cisco CCX |
RPT_CallActivity | TARGETAMOUNT | TARGET AMOUNT | float (null) | This is the value set as the achieved target for specific business outcome in this attempt. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | AGENTCOMMENTS | AGENT COMMENTS | nvarchar (4000) (null) | This call comments entered by the agent for the contact. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CHANNELTYPE | CHANNEL TYPE | int (null) | This is the channel type. 1 for SMS, 2 for VOICE, 3 for EMAIL, 4 for CPAAS, and 0 for IVR. | All |
OBD_ChannelType | CHANNELDESCRIPTION | CHANNEL DESCRIPTION | nvarchar (32) (null) | Description of channel. Example, Voice, SMS, and Email 1 for SMS, 2 for VOICE, 3 for EMAIL, 4 for CPAAS, and 0 for IVR. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DIALERTIME | DIALER TIME | datetime (null) | This is the time at which the call attempt was recorded at HDS Database. | UCCE |
RPT_CallActivity | CHILDLISTID | CHILD LISTID | int (null) | This is the ID assigned when contacts are appended to an already uploaded list. |
RPT_CallActivity | DELIVEREDTYPE | DELIVERED TYPE | nvarchar (32) (null) | This represents the nature of the contact delivery type to the dialer. The possible values are:
| All |
RPT_CallActivity | TARGETCAMPAIGNGROUP | TARGET CAMPAIGNGROUP | nvarchar (64) (null) | Applicable only for Shared List. Denotes the campaign group to which the contacts are delivered from the shared list campaigns. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLTYPE | CALLTYPE | varchar (8) (null)
| It describes the call type. The possible values are:
| All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLBACKAGENTID | CALLBACK AGENTID | nvarchar (128) (null) | The ID of the agent who will handle a callback request. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLBACKAGENTNAME | CALLBACK AGENTNAME | nvarchar (64) (null) | The name of the agent who will handle a callback request. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ACCOUNTNUMBER | ACCOUNTNUMBER | nvarchar (30) (null) | The account number is the unique number created for the contact at the time of contact delivery to the dialer. It contains seven unique identity values denoting campaign ID, contact ID, etc with a pipe separator. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CONTACTTRIES | CONTACTTRIES | tinyint (null) | The current retry number, that is, dialling attempts made for a contact so far. | All |
OBD_ContactStatusReasons | CONTACTSTATUSREASON | CONTACT STATUSREASON | nvarchar (128) (null) | This is the reason for the change in contact status. For example, a contact can be in the status Locked. The application would have locked this contact for delivery to make a PCB, CSS, or AEM call. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLBACKDATETIME | CALLBACKDATETIME | datetime (null) | The date and time set for the callback by an agent for the contact. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DELIVEREDTIME | DELIVEREDTIME | datetime (null) | The time at which the contact is delivered to the dialer. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | SCHEDULEDDELIVERYTIME | SCHEDULEDDELIVERYTIME | datetime (null) | The rescheduled time for the contact delivery. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | SKILLGROUPSKILLTARGETID | SKILLGROUP TARGETID | int (null) | Skill group ID mapped for the campaign imported from the dialer. | UCCE/UCCX/NICE CXOne |
RPT_CallActivity | ICMID | ICMID | int (null) | The ICM ID used for the call. | UCCE |
RPT_CallActivity | ISWIRELESS | ISWIRELESS | bit (null) | Indicates whether the current attempt is made to a wireless (mobile) number. True if wireless; False if fixed line. Takes value from Compliance DB, if available. Else, default value is True. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ICRCALLKEY | ICRCALLKEY | int (null) | This indicates the unique key for TCD record. | UCCE/UCCX/NICE CXOne |
RPT_CallActivity | PERIPHERALCALLKEY | PERIPHERAL CALLKEY | int (null) | This indicates the unique peripheral call ID (same as transferred call). | All |
RPT_CallActivity | RESERVATIONCALLDURATION | RESERVATION CALLDURATION | int (null) | The call duration (in milliseconds) that agent was reserved. In preview mode, this includes the time of the last preview and the time for dialing, performing CPA, and transferring the customer call to the agent. In predictive mode, if the reserved agent gets disconnected even before connecting to a customer, this value is NULL, as the agent is not yet associated with the customer. In such cases, HoldTime of corresponding Termination Call Detail record will refer to agent reservation time. | UCCE |
RPT_CallActivity | PREVIEWTIME | PREVIEW TIME | datetime (null) | The time that the agent was offered the contact for preview by the dialer. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | SFUID | SFUID | nvarchar (max) (null) | This is the Service Cloud Voice CRM user ID used for contact import. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CONTACTDETAIL | CONTACT DETAIL | nvarchar (max) (null) | This column contains contact information as XML data format that goes to the dialer. For example, first name, last name, contact number, and so on. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | SFLEADID | Salesforce Campaign LEAD ID | nvarchar (200) (null) | This is the unique ID generated in Service Cloud Voice. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | SFCONTACTID | Salesforce campaign CONTACT ID | nvarchar (200) (null) | This is the Service Cloud Voice contact ID for the campaign. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | SFCAMPAIGNID | Salesforce campaign ID | nvarchar (200) (null) | The Service Cloud Voice CRM campaign ID through which the contact is imported. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLBACKREQUESTEDBY | CALLBACK REQUESTED BY | nvarchar (64) (null) | This represents the agent ID of the agent who registers the Callback request. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLBACKREGISTEREDTYPE | CALLBACK REGISTERED TYPE | varchar (23) (null) | The nature of the callback at the time of the callback registration by an agent. The possible values are: 0 – Normal Call 1 – PCB (Personal Callback) 2 – NCB (Normal Callback) | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CALLBACKATTEMPTTYPE | CALLBACK ATTEMPT TYPE | nvarchar (17) (null) | The call type at the time of a dialing attempt. The possible values are NCB and PCB. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CURRENTCYCLE | CURRENT CYCLE | int (null) | When Cycle strategy is used, this field contains the current cycle number. For example, if the contact iteration cycle is in the second cycle, this field contains 2 in it. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ISCURRENTCYCLECOMPLETED | CURRENT CYCLE COMPLETED | bit (null) | Flag to indicate completion of current cycle, that is, all modes are dialed out. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | PREVIOUSLEADSCORE | PREVIOUS LEAD SCORE | int (null) | Lead score value assigned at the time of upload. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | CURRENTLEADSCORE | CURRENT LEAD SCORE | int (null) | Lead score value assigned by the agent. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ACTUALCVALUE | PHONE NUMBER | nvarchar (225) (null) | This is the phone number uploaded from the lead list. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | STATELAWGROUPNAME | STATELAW GROUP NAME | nvarchar (256) (null) | It denotes the state law group name used during this attempt. | All |
OBD_Campaign_Category | CAMPAIGNCATEGORYNAME | CAMPAIGN CATEGORY NAME | nvarchar (64) (null) | This is the campaign category name. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DNCCAMPAIGNCATEGORYNAME | DNC CAMPAIGN CATEGORY NAME | nvarchar (max) (null) | This is the DNC campaign category name. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ISINBOUND | INBOUND CALL | bit (null) | If the current attempt entry is created from inbound call, the value is set to 1 otherwise the value is set to 0. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DIALLERREFERENCEID | DIALLER REFERENCEID | nvarchar (64) (null) | This is the contact ID or Call ID generated by dialer platform. Dialer-specific fields are:
| All |
OBD_CallActivity | ContactNature | Contact_Nature | nvarchar | Contact nature for the attempt. Possible values are Fresh, Rescheduled, Normal Callback, Personal Callback, AEM-Fresh, AEM-Rescheduled, AEM-Callback, Fresh-Moment, or AEM-Fresh-Moment | All |
RPT_CallActivity | STATUSCHANGEDBY | STATUS CHANGED BY | nvarchar (128) (null) | The User ID of the entity that changed the contact status. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | STATUSCHANGEDAT | STATUS CHANGED AT | datetime (null) | The date and time when contact status gets changed. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DEVICEID | DEVICE ID | nvarchar (255) (null) | Defines if a contact is blocked as DNC by number or business field. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | OVERRIDEPEWCVALIDATION | OVERRIDE PEWC VALIDATION | bit (not null) | During an interaction, if the customer allows marking the specific contact as non-PEWC call and allow automatic dialing, the agents select the check box to override the PEWC validation for this contact, agent. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DIALERAGENTCALLBACK | DIALER AGENT CALLBACK | bit (not null) | This value determines if the outcome is set as a callback by a normal agent or a clicker agent. Value 0 denotes this is set by a normal agent; 1 denotes this is set by a clicker agent. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DNCSTARTDATE | DNC START DATE | datetime (null) | When timed DNC is registered, the start date provided at the time of registration. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DNCENDDATE | DNC ENDDATE | datetime (null) | When timed DNC is registered, the end date provided at the time of registration. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | DNCTYPE | DNC TYPE | nvarchar (1) (null) | The type of DNC applied to a contact applies to a specific campaign or across all campaigns. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | IDENTITYAUTHENTICATIONENABLED | IDENTITY AUTHENTICATION ENABLED | bit (not null) | This denotes whether the IdentityAuthenticationEnabled field is enabled or disabled for the contact. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | IDENTITYAUTHENTICATIONSUCCESS | IDENTITY AUTHENTICATION SUCCESS | bit (not null) | This defines whether identity authentication is success or not. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | SMSTRANSACTIONCOUNT | SMS TRANSACTION COUNT | int (not null) | Count is the number of SMS transactions between user and SMS service, applicable when 2-way SMS is used. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | PREVIEWDURATION | PREVIEW DURATION | int (null) | The time taken by an agent to preview a call and either accept, skip, or reject (close) the contact. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | NEXTSCHEDULEDATETIME | NEXT SCHEDULE DATE TIME | datetime (50) (null) | This denotes the next scheduled date and time for the scheduled callback. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | NEXTSCHEDULEMODE | NEXT SCHEDULE MODE | nvarchar (50) (null) | This denotes the mode of the scheduled callback. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | TOTALPRIMARYAUTH | TOTAL PRIMARY AUTHENTICATION | int (null) | Total number of request sent to the identity authentication service to get make-call authentication (pre-call authentication) from customer, before delivering to dialer for a single contact. Request is initiated from the system (feed engine). | All |
RPT_CallActivity | VERIFIEDPRIMARYAUTH | VERIFIED PRIMARY AUTHENTICATION | int (null) | Total number of customer response from the identity authentication service for request sent for calling authentication (pre-call authentication). Request is initiated from the system (feed engine). | All |
RPT_CallActivity | TOTALSECONDARYAUTH | TOTAL SECONDARY AUTHENTICATION | int (null) | Total number of requests sent to the identity authentication service to get authentication for each identity from customer, during the call (on-call authentication). Request is initiated from the agent. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | VERIFIEDSECONDARYAUTH | VERIFIED SECONDARY AUTHENTICATION | int (null) | Total number of customer response from “identity authentication service” for each request sent for each identity, during the call (on-call authentication). Request is initiated from the agent. | All |
RPT_CallActivity | COMPUTEDDURATIONINMS | COMPUTED DURATIONINMS | int (null) | It has rounded up call duration (which is in milliseconds) value based on pulse rate configured. Used in billing calculation. | All |
RPT_AEC_CustCallActivities | PROFILENAME | PROFILE NAME | nvarchar (128) (null) | The call routing profile used. | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEC_CustCallActivities | DISCONNECTEDBY | DISCONNECTED BY | nvarchar (64) (null) | The entity that disconnected the call. The possible values are Customer; Agent; AbandonedDisconnect (abandoned by Campaign Manager for lack of agent): TimeoutAbandoned (abandoned by application if no agent can be found within the configured wait time); and WatchDog (when contacts are stuck in the application for some technical reasons, the watchdog disconnects these calls). | Amazon Connect |
RPT_AEC_CustCallActivities | DIDRELEASEDTIME | DID RELEASED TIME | datetime (null) | The date and time the application released the DID. This is applicable for the Progressive IVR pacing mode or where other pacing mode calls are transferred to the IVR. This is applicable only to the Tethered model. | Amazon Connect - Tethered |
RPT_AEC_CustCallActivities | AMZCONNECTCONTACTID | AMZ CONNECT CONTACTID | varchar (255) (null) | This is the contact ID generated by Amazon Connect for an agent’s tethered session. All calls handled by the agent during this session have the same contact ID. | AmazonConnect - Tethered |
RPT_CallActivity | ContactType | ContactType | nvarchar (16) (null) | Type of the Contact like Outbound, Inbound | All |
RPT_CallActivity | BlockedBy | BlockedBy | nvarchar (128) (null) | Information about how the contact is blocked, like DNC, NDNC, etc | All |
RPT_CallActivity | ScrubListId | ScrubListId | int (null) | Scrub List ID | All |
OBD_Outcome | OutcomeID | OutcomeID | int (null) | ID of the outcome | All |