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Campaign Summary
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The Campaign Summary provides an overview of campaign-level performance, combining predictive parameters with real-time dialer pace data.
The summary includes the following key parameters:
Field | Description |
Campaign Detail | |
Campaign | Name of the campaign. |
Campaign Status | The current status of the campaign, indicating whether it is active, paused, or completed. |
Contact Details | |
Contact | The total number of contacts engaged in the campaign, including open, closed, and other categories. |
Open | The total number of open contacts, including delivered contacts. |
Fresh | Open contacts that have never been attempted or dialed, excluding AEM and Callbacks. Contacts that have never been dialed once. |
Scheduled | Open contacts that have been attempted at least once, excluding AEM and Callbacks. Contacts attempted at least once. |
AEM | Contacts under the AEM process. |
Callbacks | The total number of contacts requiring a callback, including both Personal Callback (PCB) and Normal Callback (NCB). |
Closed | The total number of contacts that are marked as closed. |
Completed Percentage | The percentage of contacts successfully closed out of the total contacts. |
Open Percentage | The percentage of contacts that remain open out of the total contacts. |
Fresh Percentage | The percentage of fresh (never attempted) contacts out of the total contacts. |
Schedule Percentage | The percentage of scheduled contacts out of the total contacts. |
Closed RPC Percentage | The percentage of closed contacts that are successfully completed as an RPC (Right Party Connect). |
Contact Connect Percentage | The percentage of unique contacts where an agent successfully connected. |
Contact RPC Percentage | The percentage of unique contacts where an RPC attempt is made. |
Contact Attempt Percentage | The percentage of unique contacts that received an outreach attempt via voice, SMS, or email. |
Closed Success Percentage | The percentage of closed contacts that are marked as successful business outcomes. |
Attempt Details | |
Total Attempt | The total number of attempts made across all communication channels, including voice, SMS, email, and other methods. |
Voice Attempt | The total number of attempts made via voice calls, including agent and IVR attempts, as well as consented and non-consented attempts. |
SMS Attempt | The total number of SMS attempts made at the contact level, including one-way and two-way SMS interactions. |
Email Attempt | The total number of email attempts made to contacts. |
Attempt Percentage | The percentage of total attempts made out of the total contacts. |
Connect | The number of customer calls successfully connected to an agent or IVR, excluding Answering Machine Detection (AMD) and abandoned (ABDN) connects. |
Connect Percentage | The percentage of successful connections out of the total voice attempts. |
Abandoned | The total number of abandoned calls, including both customer and system abandoned calls. |
Abandoned Percentage | The percentage of abandoned calls out of the total voice attempts. |
AMD | Calls that encountered an answering machine, including messages left, IVR transfers, and silent or limited messages. |
AMD Percentage | The percentage of calls that encountered an answering machine out of the total voice attempts. |
RPC | The number of attempts that resulted in an outcome classified as RPC. |
Non-RPC | The number of attempts that resulted in an outcome classified as Non-RPC. |
RPC Percentage | The percentage of RPC attempts out of the total attempts. |
Non-RPC Percentage | The percentage of Non-RPC attempts out of the total attempts. |
AHT | Average Handle Time for a call, in HH:MM:SS format. |
SMS Delivery Receipt Percentage | The percentage of SMS messages that successfully received a delivery receipt confirmation. |
Mail Block Percentage | The percentage of emails that are blocked by the recipient's email server or spam filters. |
Mail Bounce Percentage | The percentage of emails that are bounced back due to delivery failures, such as invalid addresses or full mailboxes. |
Mail Delivered Percentage | The percentage of emails that are successfully delivered to recipients. |
Mail Open Percentage | The percentage of delivered emails that are opened by recipients. |
Mail ClickThrough Percentage | The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link inside the email after opening it. |
Mail ClickToOpen Percentage | The percentage of opened emails where the recipient clicked on a link inside the email. |
Mail SPAM Percentage | The percentage of emails that were reported as spam by recipients or marked as spam by email filters. |
Mail Unsubscribe Percentage | The percentage of recipients who unsubscribed after receiving an email. |
Pass Details | |
Pass 1 Percentage | The percentage of contacts that had exactly one attempt today, out of the total contacts. |
Pass 2 Percentage | The percentage of contacts that had exactly two attempts today, out of the total contacts. |
Pass 3 Percentage | The percentage of contacts that had exactly three attempts today, out of the total contacts. |
Pass 4 Percentage | The percentage of contacts that had exactly four attempts today, out of the total contacts. |
Pass 5 Percentage | The percentage of contacts that had exactly five attempts today, out of the total contacts. |
> Pass 5 Percentage (PassGreaterThanFivePercentage) | The percentage of contacts that had more than five attempts today, out of the total contacts. |