- DarkLight
Global Upload
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | GlobalListID | GlobalListID | int (not null) | The list ID generated by the application for each list placed for global upload. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | GlobalFileName | GlobalFileName | nvarchar (1024) (null) | The name of file contacts placed for upload. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | Status | Status | nvarchar (16) (not null) | The status of the upload file, Success, Error, and so on | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | ProcessedTime | ProcessedTime | datetime (not null) | The date and time the contact file was taken up for processing | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | ErrorDescription | ErrorDescription | nvarchar (max) (null) | The description of the error, in case of contacts that are not uploaded. For example, failed. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | TotalRecords | TotalRecords | bigint (null) | The total number of records in the uploaded from the contact list. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | BadRecords | BadRecords | bigint (null) | The number of bad records – the records that failed to upload – from the contact list. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | UnmatchedRecords | UnmatchedRecords | bigint (null) | The total number of records that could not be uploaded to any campaign, that is, remained unmatched. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | CampaignLevelRecords | CampaignLevelRecords | nvarchar (max) (null) | The total number of records uploaded to each campaign via this upload. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | UploadedFileName | UploadedFileName | nvarchar (700) (null) | The name of the file placed for upload. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | ListStatus | ListStatus | nvarchar (16) (null) | The status of the List, Success, Failure, Error, and so on | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
RPT_AE_GUActivity | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | UploadTime | UploadTime | datetime (null) | The date and time a contact was uploaded. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | TotalContactsProcessed | TotalContactsProcessed | int (null) | The total number of contacts processed for upload. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ContactsUploaded | ContactsUploaded | int (null) | The total number of contacts uploaded to various campaigns. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ContactFailedToUpload | ContactFailedToUpload | int (null) | The total number of contacts that failed, and not uploaded to any campaign. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | DuplicateContacts | DuplicateContacts | int (null) | The total number of duplicate contacts. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ContactsBlockedInNDNC | ContactsBlockedInNDNC | int (null) | The total number of contacts blocked by the National Do Not Contact configuration. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ContactsBlockedInCorporateDNC | ContactsBlockedInCorporateDNC | int (null) | The total number of contacts blocked by this enterprise under the Do Not Contact configuration. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ModesBlockedInNDNC | ModesBlockedInNDNC | int (null) | The modes blocked for contact upload due to a Do Not Call configuration. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ModesBlockedInCorporateDNC | ModesBlockedInCorporateDNC | int (null) | The modes blocked for contact upload by an enterprise due to a Do Not Call configuration. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | UpdatedContacts | UpdatedContacts | int (null) | The number of contacts that were updated using the upload functionality. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | UploadType | UploadType | varchar (17) (not null) | The upload type such as JSON, API, and so on. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | UploadSubType | UploadSubType | varchar (26) (not null) | The upload subtype. The values are N for a new file, U for update an already available file, and C if it is a copy of another file. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | LastAccessed | LastAccessed | datetime (null) | The date and time the table was last modified. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ChildListID | ChildListID | int (null) | The child list ID auto-generated by the application for this list. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ModeBlockedInComplianceDNC | ModeBlockedInComplianceDNC | int (null) | The modes that are blocked by DNC requirements. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ContactBlockedInComplianceDNC | ContactBlockedInComplianceDNC | int (null) | The modes that are blocked by NDNC requirements. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ModeBlockedInComplianceLitigation | ModeBlockedInComplianceLitigation | int (null) | The modes that are blocked by Litigation requirements. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ContactBlockedInComplianceLitigation | ContactBlockedInComplianceLitigation | int (null) | The number of contacts that are blocked by Litigation requirements. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | SourceDetails | SourceDetails | nvarchar (512) (null) | The upload file name with extension. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | ProfileName | ProfileName | nvarchar (512) (null) | The Profile through which the contacts were uploaded. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | UpdatedListID | UpdatedListID | nvarchar (null) | The updated list ID generated by the application. | All |
RPT_AE_UploadHistory | UploadedDuration | UploadedDuration | time (7) (null) | The time taken by the application to complete uploading of the list. | All |