- DarkLight
List Info
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
RPT_AE_Campaign | CAMPAIGNID | CampaignName | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The campaign name to which this list is uploaded. | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | LISTID | LISTID | int (null) | The List ID auto-generated by the application for this list. | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | ListStartDate | ListStartDate | datetime (null) | The date and time that contacts from this list commenced upload to campaigns. | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | ListStatus | ListStatus | nvarchar (18) (not null) | The status of the List such as Success, Failure, Error, and so on. | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | GID | GID | int (null) | The list ID generated by the application for each list placed for global upload. | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | InsertedTime | InsertedTime | datetime (null) | The Date time when the record is inserted | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | SOURCENAME | SOURCENAME | nvarchar (512) (null) | The upload file name with extension | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | ListStartDateTime | ListStartDateTime | datetime (null) | The specific date and time at which contacts from this list initiated the process of uploading to campaigns | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
RPT_AE_ListInfo | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |