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Manage Contacts
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Manage Contacts is a powerful functionality to perform a wide range of tasks relating to contacts. Using Manage Contacts, you can:
Search Contacts: Search Contacts for a given set of conditions.
Reschedule/Reset Contacts: Reschedule or reset the following contacts populated for a given set of conditions:
Callback Expired Contacts: Contacts where the valid time to callback has expired.
Blocked Contacts: Contacts those that are blocked from being delivered to the dialer.
Closed Contacts: Contacts those are closed for some reason.
Rescheduled Expired Contacts: Contacts those that have been a rescheduled dialing has expired and need to be revived for dialing
Block Contacts: Block the contacts that are populated for a given set of conditions.
Close Contacts: Close contacts that are populated for a given set of conditions.
Move Contacts: Move contacts, from one Campaign to another that are populated for a given set of conditions.
Reassign Agent: Reassign Personal Callback calls to other agents when assigned agents are not available.
Time Zone
You can use the Manage Contacts application by filtering contacts based on time zones. This feature shows all the active time zones in the Timezone dropdown list. Users can choose the required time zone.
Select the time zone from the TimeZone dropdown list before selecting other filter criteria or writing conditions to populate contacts. This is an optional configuration.
The property IsTimeZoneRequiredForFilter should be set to true in the LCMService web.config file to get contacts by time zone.
Wherever there is time factor involved in the conditions chosen by the user, such times are converted to the user-selected time zone.
For example, a user has the server in India time zone and selects British Standard Time as the time zone from the above dropdown list. If the condition for populating contacts (see Condition Builder) includes the Call Start Time field - Call Start Time at 2:00 pm BST, the application converts BST to IST and populates contacts that have a Call Start Time at 6:30 pm IST. However, the grid populating the contacts shows the user-selected time zone, that is, 2.00 pm BST.
The same logic of time-zone conversion applies to any datetime-related field chosen by the user in the Condition Builder.
Write Condition
You can use the Write Conditions option instead of using the Simple or Advanced condition builder. To start writing the CSS conditions, activate the Write Conditions switch. Consider the following points before selecting this option:
- The application validates only the syntax and does not allow you to save conditions with incorrect syntax.
- The application does not validate any fields. If the syntax is valid but the query does not return any results, check and refine or rewrite the query.
Perform the following steps:
- Begin your condition by opening a curly brace ({). The application will present three items:
- System Fields
- Business Parameters
- Expression
- Click Save to save the query. You can use the Query button from the Actions panel to read the condition that you have created using the Write Conditions feature.
Build Condition
- Click Add New to create a new CSS condition and complete the following steps:
- Enter a new CSS Group Name.
- From the System Fields / Business Fields dropdown list, select an appropriate item.
- Select a comparison operator from the options below, which defines the condition for the contact to be selected. Available operators include:
- is exactly equal to
- is less than
- is less than or equal to
- is greater than
- is greater than or equal to
- is not equal to
- Like
- in
- Not in
- Not Like
- Enter the Value that this condition should meet for the contact to be selected for delivery.
- Click Add to add another condition.
- Click Save to complete.
- Click Add to add another condition.
Advance Build Condition
- Turn the Advanced Builder switch ON to build an Advanced Condition. Using the Advanced Builder requires meticulous manual nesting of conditions. Incorrect placement of brackets may result in selecting wrong and unintended contacts for delivery to the dialer. If the Advanced Builder switch is OFF, you can add conditions in groups with pre-selected and/or conditions.
- Enter an open bracket {( } in the first cell.
- From the System Fields / Business Fields dropdown list, select an appropriate item.
- Select a comparison operator from the options below, which defines the condition for the contact to be selected. Available operators include:
- is exactly equal to
- is less than
- is less than or equal to
- is greater than
- is greater than or equal to
- is not equal to
- Like
- in
- Not in
- Not Like
- Enter the Value that this condition should meet for the contact to be selected for delivery and close the bracket.
- Click Add to add another condition.
- Click Save to complete.
System Fields
Max Retries: This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made for dialing each contact in the campaign.
Daily Retries: This is the current incremented value for maximum number of retries that can be made for dialing each contact in a day for this campaign.
Pass Retries: This is the current incremented value for the retries made for each contact in the campaign.
Cycle Retries: This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made in a dialing cycle. A cycle is a set of dialing attempts, once to all modes that a contact is uploaded with. For example, a contact is uploaded with three modes - Home, Work, and Mobile numbers. A dialing cycle is completed when the application dials all these modes (in the configured order) once each.
Email Retries: This is the current incremented value for the number of retries allowed for contacts to be delivered for email campaigns.
SMS Retries: This is the current incremented value for the number of retries allowed for contacts to be delivered for SMS campaigns.
LastAccessed: The contacts with the configured date and time of last access to be delivered as part of this CSS.
Priority: The priority assigned to the contacts that is to be accounted when delivering as per this CSS.
Lead Score: The Lead Score that is to be considered for delivering contacts are per this CSS. Lead Score helps in identifying the most prospective customer to be reached out from a campaign. This score can also be set at the time of upload or wrap up, while defining the Business Outcome / Telephony Outcome.
CallStartTime: This is the call start time as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the start time mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.
CallEndTime: This is the call end time as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the end time mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.
ListID: The list ID that the contact belongs to. Contacts belonging to the ListIDs in this CSS condition are delivered.
CallType: The call type. For example, personal callback, Regular Callback, regular call, etc.
LastOutcome: The last outcome set for this contact. Contacts with the selected Last Outcome are delivered.
Global ListID: The Global List ID that this contact belongs to. Contacts belonging to the Global ListIDs in this CSS condition are delivered.
UserID: This the agent ID tagged to the contact. Calls are delivered to the dialer and are patched to the agent mentioned in this field.
Phone Number: The phone number of the contact to deliver as per this CSS.
Zone Name: The name of the time zone to which the contact belongs.
StatusReasonID: This is the integer value which is the internal ID for Status Description.
Show Contacts
The contacts are displayed when you click Show Contacts after completing the conditions and saving them. The following contacts details are populated:
Contact ID - the unique contact ID for the contact listed as per the conditions.
Attempts - the number of attempts made on the contact till this moment. If Retain Global Retries and/or Retain Daily Retries are deselected either in Campaign Chaining or Campaign Contact Strategy, the attempts are reset as per business requirements. Attempts made before such reset are not included in the count shown here.
List ID - the list ID from which the contact is uploaded.
LastOutcome - the last outcome received by the dialer for this contact.
Status - the current contact status. • Call_Start_Date - the start date for the listed contact’s next scheduled call as per the conditions. This is converted to the user-selected time zone and shown in the grid.
Call_Start_Time - the start time for the listed contact’s next scheduled call as per the conditions. This is converted to the user-selected time zone and shown in the grid.
Call_End_Date - the end date for the listed contact’s next scheduled call as per the conditions. This is converted to the user-selected time zone and shown in the grid.
Call_End_Time - the end time for the listed contact’s next scheduled call as per the conditions. This is converted to the user-selected time zone and shown in the grid.
Business Fields - all the configured business fields’ values for this contact are listed at one Business Field per column. If any business field contains a datetime value, the date/time is not converted to the user-selected time zone.
Mode - all the modes for this contact are listed at one mode per column
Search Contacts
Reschedule or Reset Contacts
Using the Reschedule/Reset Contacts option, you can reschedule or reset contacts that are populated based on a given set of conditions.
Select the Reschedule/Reset Contacts tab.
There are two ways to select contacts to reschedule/reset:
To directly select certain types of contacts, select the types of contacts you want to reschedule/reset. The options are:
Callback Expired Contacts: Contacts where the valid time to callback has expired.
Blocked Contacts: Contacts that are blocked from being delivered to the dialer.
Closed Contacts: Contacts that are closed for some reason.
Rescheduled Expired Contacts: Contacts for which a rescheduled dialing time has expired and need to be revived for dialing.
To select contacts via your own filter conditions, complete the Condition Builder.
Click Show Contacts to display the contacts based on the conditions.
The contacts are displayed according to the requested items per page. Select specific contacts or use one of the following options:
Select the Select All checkbox to select the contacts populated on the page.
Select the Global Select checkbox to select all the contacts across pages.
Click Actions. Perform one of the following operations on the selected contacts:
Select Revise Reschedule Time to reschedule the contact to a later date and/or time. Specify the Start Time and End Time to reschedule the contact within this window. Click Reschedule Contacts to complete the action. The revised start and end times are as per the user-selected time zone via the dropdown list.
Select Reset as Fresh Contact to reset the contact as a Fresh Contact. Click Reschedule Contacts to complete the action.
Select Reopen Contacts to reopen the contact for dialing. Click Reschedule Contacts to complete the action.
If you select the Undo business field values updated by agent’s checkbox, the application discards the updates to business field values, if any, made by the agents during their interactions, and reverts to the business field values at the time of contact upload.
For example, contact A is uploaded with business field values for a mobile number and Customer ID (123456). During agent interaction, the customer requests a change in the mobile number and Customer ID (to 345678), and the agent updates the values. At the time of reopening this contact using the CSS conditions, you have the option to revert to the original mobile number and Customer ID (123456) by selecting this checkbox.
Block Contacts
Using the Block Contacts option, you can prevent contacts (populated based on the search criteria) from being dialed out by changing their status to Blocked.
Select the Block Contacts tab.
There are two ways to select contacts to block.
From the Follow-up Details section, select a From Date and a To Date. Contacts within this follow-up date range are populated. you can directly block the contacts.
The Open Contacts and Fresh Contacts checkboxes are selected by default and cannot be deselected. This condition fetches Open Contacts and Fresh Contacts for this date range.
To select contacts via your own filter conditions, complete the Condition Builder.
To populate Delivered Contacts that meet the filter conditions, select the Delivered Contacts checkbox as well.
Click Show Contacts to display the contacts based on the conditions.
The contacts are displayed according to the requested items per page. Select one of the following checkboxes:
Select All to select all the contacts on the current page,
or Global Select to select all populated contacts across all pages.
Click Apply to block the selected contacts.
Close Contacts
Using the Close Contacts option, you can close contacts that are populated based on a given set of conditions.
Select the Close Contacts tab.
There are two ways to select contacts to close.
From the Follow-up Details section, select a From Date and a To Date. Contacts within this follow-up date range are populated.
The Open Contacts and Fresh Contacts checkboxes are selected by default and cannot be deselected. This condition fetches Open Contacts and Fresh Contacts for this date range.
To populate Blocked Contacts and Delivered Contacts that meet the filter conditions, select the respective checkboxes as required.
To select contacts via your own filter conditions, complete the Condition Builder.
Click Show Contacts to display the contacts based on the conditions.
The contacts are displayed according to the requested items per page. Select one of the following checkboxes:
Select All to select all the contacts on the current page,
or Global Select to select all populated contacts across all pages.
Click Apply to close the selected contacts.
Move Contacts
Using the Move Contacts option, you can transfer populated contacts based on a given set of conditions from one campaign to another.
Select the Move Contacts tab.
There are two ways of selecting contacts to Move.
Select the Open Contacts, Blocked Contacts and/or Closed Contacts checkboxes to include these contacts in the move from one campaign to another.
To select contacts via your own filter conditions, complete the Condition Builder.
Click Associate Fields to map the modes and business fields from the source campaign to those of the target campaign.
Enter a Mapping Name. All the mapped modes and fields are retained in this operation. You can also change any specific mode or business field mapping.
If you do not want a previous mapping to apply, select a Target Campaign from the dropdown list. The modes and business fields in the target campaign are populated. Select the appropriate modes and business fields from the source campaign.
Click Apply to complete associating the fields.
Click Show Contacts to display the contacts based on the conditions. The contacts are displayed according to the requested items per page. Select one of the following checkboxes:
Select All to select all the contacts on the current page, or Global Select to select all populated contacts across all pages.
Click Export to export the contacts details.
Click Apply to move the selected contacts to the target campaign.
Reassign Agent
Situations may arise, particularly when delivering personal callback calls, where the assigned agent is unavailable. In such cases, reassigning another agent to handle the call is a straightforward process.
Using the Reassign Agent option, you can now reallocate contacts from one agent to another.
From the Filter section of the Manage Contacts screen, select the Reassign Agent.
There are two ways to select contacts.
Enter the Agent ID from whom a call is to be reassigned. To include fresh contacts in the results, select the Fresh Contacts checkbox. Otherwise, specify the callback Call Start Date and Call End Date.
To reassign fresh contacts, select the Fresh Contacts checkbox. Additionally, specify a Call Start Date and a Call Start Time to narrow down the contacts to this window.
To select contacts via your own filter conditions, complete the Condition Builder.
Click Show Contacts to display the contacts based on the conditions. The contacts are displayed according to the requested items per page. Select one of the following checkboxes:
Select All to select all the contacts on the current page,
or Global Select to select all populated contacts across all pages.
Click Action to open the Reassign Agent dialog box, allowing the reassignment of selected contacts to other agents. Additional information is available by clicking the Help icon alongside the Action button. This information explains when the agent reassignment takes effect.
For Open contacts, the changes are effective immediately.
For Delivered contacts, the call still reaches the old agent. The new agent changes are effective only from the subsequent delivery of the contact.
Enter a new Agent to whom the call is to be reassigned. The call is allocated to the new agent.
If the new agent needs to handle the call at a different time, select the Update Time checkbox. Specify the Start Time and End Time for the call. Click Reassign Agent to complete the reassignment of the call to a different agent.